Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Frustratedly Working to Gain Access to My Own Blog!!!

 Well, for some reason - I can't access my blog - well - I can access it - but I can't edit it - how I was able to get on this page - I don't know - because when I've tried before - I ended up on a page telling me to create a blog - but I had one - then I read somewhere that if I went ahead and created a new blog with the old name (this blog's name) - it would miraculously gain me access to my old blog - but that didn't happen - it just created a new blog - and the worst of it is - when I go from my old blog (this one) to my profile - it takes me to a new profile page - ARGH!!!!

THE WRITER’S PATH: CHAPTER SIX; Story, ex. – What Just Happened to You

This is now how this is supposed to work, is it!?!

I need this to work!!

If this is working - show up on my blog!!!

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By George, I think I’ve got it!!!