Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Whose Idea Was This!?

Perhaps it was foolish to think I could write something ‘of interest’ every day.

What I mean is, something creative.

I suppose, if I were so inclined, I could pull a topic from the headlines and offer my own take on how things are or what my opinion of said topic is - but does that mean anything?  I mean, does anyone want to read the news, reinterpreted by the guy in the shorts with the earbuds plugged into his head?

I thought not.

And I don’t want to write that.

No, what I do want to write is fiction - grounded in my own experience - but this exercise, this task I’ve set before myself, of writing every day for a year, does not fulfil that; it only puts constraints on my ability to write by insisting that something, anything be written on a daily basis - regardless of how good it is.

But that’s not really what I wanted when I started this.

I expected more.

I expected that, by making myself write daily, I could overlay some discipline and perhaps coax myself into being more creative at the same time.

I won’t say I’ve failed - but I’ve not written another ‘piece’ for a couple of months - and there’s just been this - this, yakety-yak stuff - hardly what I was after.

But I won’t let this be the end - it can’t be - I made a deal with myself.

I’ll keep at it, all the same - and perhaps - just perhaps - something will eventually fall into place.

We’ll see.

In the meanwhile - keep smiling (and writing.).

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