Thursday, July 26, 2012

We're Back to the 'Briefs'!

I was thinking about doing this later but then realized that I’d probably be too tired.

I was in the gym for about 2 1/2 hours this afternoon and for some reason, it just knocked it out of me;

Could it have been the length of time, I wonder…

Anyway, I figured I’d better do this now - but I’m so tired I have nothing to say!

Except this:

I’m quite looking forward to the trip to California and it’s coming soon - like, next Tuesday.

I’m going to hit the gym every day till then - but I won’t overdo it - at least - not too much.

I was rather stunned to note the weight I read on the scale this morning - it wasn’t right.

But it will be.

That’s it! That’s all I’ve got!



And all that rot!


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