And it has been - a lovely Sunday, that is.
I hadn’t really planned anything for the day - other then the usual laundry (or finishing up of that which was left), watering of plants, etc.
But then, I decided to go to the…. Wait for it - the gym!
How did you know!?
Yes, I’m obsessed.
Okay, the surprise here, is that I hadn’t really intended on going to the gym today. After all, it was Sunday, my day of rest.
Then, I remembered that tomorrow, I have a doctor’s appointment (the wait takes for-effing-ever!) and by the time I will have finished, I won’t have time to go to the gym - - what with the ballet and all…. Okay, okay!
I missed a ballet class last week - but this is the final one for the season and I really must go. I’ll feel horrible if I don’t.
The whole thing is - I decided to go to the gym today because I knew that tomorrow I wouldn’t be able to go; that I would be too busy.
And that’s too bad.
Because Monday is the day on which the ‘routine’ starts.
However, having done weights on both Saturday and Sunday - I feel slightly less obsessed about missing Monday. (I’m sure something will end up being done - stay tuned…)
But, but, but!
Today has been perfectly splendid; perfect morning, perfect, workout, perfect literary time*, perfect, supper, perfect television program (Political Animals), perfect everything, really.
And as the day draws to a close, I say, “What a perfect day it has been!”.
*literary time; We are now reading the journals of Harry Clement Ulrich Kessler, entitled: Journey to the Abyss: The Diaries of Count Harry Kessler 1880-1918.
(I must say, that I feel totally inadequate with my mere scribblings when confronted with such an earnest keeper of diaries.
It makes me want to ‘step up my game’ a few notches. It also makes me feel like what I write is foolish and in need of a serious, guiding mind - I rely too much on the ease with which I write and never challenge myself to record what is actually happening in the world but rather, spend all my time discussing the mundane - and not that there isn’t room for that, God knows! But reading Count Kessler today, made it clear that there is so much more to explore than simply recording whether or not you got a good haircut! And I’m sure, I’ve discussed that as well!)
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