Although there were many things that filled the space called ‘today’ - perhaps the most memorable was also the simplest; taking the time to look upward.
For most, the weekend signifies a respite from the workaday world; the chance to kick back and relax.
For me, this is merely a continuance of days - though I try to organize them according to my own quirky schedule - in reality, one day simply follows another without the benefit of significance, such as ‘weekend’.
What I’m trying to say here is that my ‘work’ ‘happens’ every day - regardless of whether one demarcates this as ‘the weekend’ or simply as ‘another day’. And even after saying that - I understand the dichotomy of my own desire to organize things according to the days of the week, i.e., laundry being done on a specifically designated day.
I know this sounds like I’m veering wildly off the topic but there is a reason for it all.
The reason is this:
On my very busy, non-working, weekend day today, I reached a moment in which I actually felt tired enough that I thought a little ‘sit down’ would do me good.
It did.
While my partner sat, contentedly reading his kindle, I slipped into a low-lying chair behind him.
I say ‘low-lying’ because we own two chairs that have no legs and were originally meant for ‘gaming’ - video gaming, that is. They are like rocking chairs without legs - or like rounded bucket seats, without legs.
One of these is placed next to a wall of windows and, when seated in the chair, the sill of the window, which would normally be about knee-height, is at shoulder-height, allowing the most extraordinary view of city, lake, and sky.
I’d never sat here before, mind you.
It was a revelation.
I had no idea how beautiful the view from this vantage point could be and I quickly fell into a dreamy reverie.
The view and the experience pulled me back to my youth when nature was all around me and I had, what seemed, an infinite number of opportunities to look up at a sky, such as that which I saw today, and feel the cool of the fresh mountain air slowly replace the dry heat of the day, bringing with it an invigorating sense of renewal - even with evening coming on.
In short, it was the joy of being alive and feeling it in every fibre of my being.
I’d forgotten that.
Until today.
For one brief second, as I sat gazing out the window at the infinite, cerulean blue of the sky, the lake below, and the gleaming city before me, I connected with the moment.
These occurrences are so rare we must cherish them when they occur.
And I honour that moment of today, now.
I am truly blessed.
By the Universe.
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