Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Rather Lengthy and Difficult Workout

I’d so wanted to get to the gym this morning - but it didn’t happen.

I just got up too late.

Plus - I know myself.

Once I’m there, I’m there for the ‘duration’ - and depending on how I feel, that can range from an hour and a half to 3 hours. I know, that’s crazy - right!?

But it’s true.

This morning I couldn’t go because I felt I didn’t have enough time.

I had an Italian lesson at 1:00pm and if I’d gone to the gym at 11:00am - I might have just been able to do it - but I was only having my breakfast at 11:00am and there was no way I could do a whole workout and be back in time for my lesson - what with all the studying that needed doing…

So, I played the piano instead - this was an excellent way to fill the gap, particularly since I haven’t been playing as much as I should be, anyway.


This is about my workout (ostensibly).

My lesson, which was quite good, ended at 2:00pm and by 2:20pm (or so) I was in the gym!

My, my, my! It has become a most popular place since it’s renovation.

Times were when you’d be lucky to find a single other person in there for hours - now it seems you can barely find time when you are completely on your own.

I guess one just has to adjust to the fact that if the facilities are nice, more people are bound to use them - not to mention the overall awareness of the benefits derived from exercise.

Again, I won’t go into details but just say that I was there before 2:30pm and (even with the crowd) did not leave until at least 5:15pm.

Needless to say, it was a very - good - workout.

And even if it’s difficult - I always feel better for it - after, of course.

Somehow, I can't help but think that tomorrow may be a bit less strenuous.

Perhaps a complete ‘skipping’ of the gym.

But I doubt that…


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