Friday, July 13, 2012

Is This a 'Spooky' Day?

Well, it’s Friday - the 13th. 

So scary!

But it’s not - it’s just late - again.

Tomorrow is Saturday and, though I’d like to stay and chat, I have to get up early (for me) as we are off to a rendezvous at 10:00am (as I said, that’s early for me).

I would also like to mention that, actually, this is a slightly, scary day for it marks a countdown of sorts.

I’m terrible at social things and I have a big one coming up - at least, for me.

It’s a dinner party.

There will be eight.

I worry.

It’s Wednesday.

I fret.

I find these things incredibly stressful and usually not very fun.

I spend the days before (like today) worrying about what I’ll make/cook - and day of - I spend working like a mad thing.

Then, the evening arrives and I spend all my time in the kitchen, not at the ‘party’ at all - a little like hired staff - only, I live here.

Basically, it means working and fretting for days before hand and not getting much of a ‘payoff’ because I don’t have any time to spend with the guests.

The funny thing is - when we entertain on a regular basis, the whole business becomes much easier; it’s only when we do it irregularly that it presents a challenge - and the challenge is whipping myself into shape to cope with cooking for eight and enjoying myself at the same time.

Well, I suppose there are worse things that could happen to one - like having no food, or a home in which to serve it.

Perspective counts for so much, eh?

Perhaps it’s just the fact that it’s Friday the 13th that has given me the jitters - yes, that must be it.

I’ll be fine by Wednesday…

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