I don’t think I mentioned how very long the day was yesterday - I’ll do it now; it was long.
And so was today.
I had no energy for anything, not even the gym (pity, that) - and yet I managed to do a great deal within the household.
There have been lingering, niggling little things that have been the cause of some consternation but - act upon them?
I never did.
That is, until now.
I don’t know what possessed me, really - but suddenly, even being as tired as I was, I couldn’t take it another moment and slowly, little by little, I began a bit of a ‘clean up’.
Now, it seems my partner was affected by the same malady and through a bit of deduction, we’ve come to the conclusion that our desire to ‘get things organized’, stems from a visit to some new arrivals to our building.
The gutted their condo and started over from the bare bones.
They also left things minimal, once done.
Our condo is a little bit ‘Curiosity Shop’ cum ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ - I exaggerate, of course…
This is going to be our watch word from now on.
This is what we’re searching for - that, and cabinet/storage space.
How can two people have so many things!?
In due time it will all be winnowed.
Today was a start.
And as they say -
‘Slow and Steady Wins the Race’.
Boa Noite.
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