Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Can You Say, 'Rant'?

Okay, okay, okay - so I went a little overboard yesterday with the whole ‘dinner party’ thing - it happens.

I think I was just reaching the peak of my anxiety over entertaining - even though the event has not yet happened, I’ve now,  well-passed the peak.

So what’s up?

I’m exhausted, as usual.

The preparations for the event have actually caused me to reach a point of saturation such that, I am no longer ‘fearful’ of anything - I am beyond that.

I now know that all things can be handled and there is no need for panic - certainly no need for unnecessary panic (is it ever necessary when it comes to entertaining?).

I am in the driver’s seat and this is where I should be, being the chef de soiree (is that even ‘real’ French!?), I will take control.

Of course, it helps that I’ve actually prepared a few things, like the dessert, beforehand - and this allows me more of a sense of calm.

The dessert did not come out exactly as I’d planned but being a prepared sort of fellow, I’ve got a backup; should the lemon tart with the chocolate crust (which I made tonight) not solidify, as planned, then I have sorbet with raspberries and whipped cream - it’s Summer - things should be light anyway.

Speaking of ‘anyway’ - it is way past my bedtime and I really need to get there now - it’s going to be a big day tomorrow.

Wish me luck (again)…

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