Sunday, July 15, 2012

And the Fatigue Lingers On...

I have been exhausted all day - but I still managed to get a little something done.

I’d vowed that Sunday would be just for relaxing but it still felt a little ‘busy’ - in other words - there was ‘work’ done.

Our Brazilian neighbour just returned from his homeland and brought the most unusual of gifts back for us. Now, most people returning from a holiday might bring a t-shirt, or some craft, unique to the country - and I suppose you could consider our gifts as a craft - and certainly unique to the country.

Are you ready for it?

Shoes! He brought us beautiful shoes!

I have to say that we are extremely delighted by his generosity and (dare I use the word again?) the uniqueness of the gift.

My partner is determined to wear his tomorrow - if it doesn’t rain (their suede), and I’ll wear mine at the first opportunity I get.

Such a lovely, thoughtful gift - and unusual. (I should post a picture of them - and I will but not right now…)

On other fronts - I think I’ve got my last ballet lesson of the session tomorrow evening and though I’d like to try for a double, I doubt seriously if I’ll make it (I’ve already spoken of my exhaustion).

I’ve already signed up for the next semester beginning in September and that will keep me busy and out of trouble on Monday nights.

We’ve also begun reading a new book recently and it’s quite fascinating; it’s called ‘Journey to the Abyss: The Diaries of Count Harry Kessler, 1880-1918’, and it’s really very good.

It also makes me feel that I’m not quite living up to my potential (yes, even at my age, there is such a thing) and that I should be reading a lot more than I have been of late.

He was one of those people who knew a great deal about a great many things, particularly in the fields of art and culture.

I used to think of myself as being rather well-informed in those spheres but of late - well, let’s just say I’ve slipped.

The beautiful thing about reading such a book is the ability for it to spark interest in something that once might have been pursued but now, well may have lain dormant at the bottom of a well of half-forgotten projects for years; reading-lists long since abandoned - the desire to learn and absorb everything about a given topic until it was mastered and fit the mind like a tailored glove. (or something like that)

Anyway, it’s a good read and we’re quite enjoying it.

I’m sure there will be more on this later.

But for now it’s -

Au revoir.

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