I won’t mention gaits tonight - except to say that I’ve seen quite a few ‘interesting’ ones - but that will be made clear after tonight’s ‘story’…
I hadn’t intended it - but after dinner when it came time to decide what we would do this evening, it occurred to me to suggest the movie I saw last night, as I thought I wouldn’t mind seeing it again.
The movie? Thor. That’ right - like the God.
My partner is not into this ‘sort of thing’ at all but I convinced him that it might be well worth it since he’d recently become interested in (by way of the opera) the Gotterdammerung, and I thought it might hold some small interest - and in this case, very small - and perhaps a bit of information about the Norse mythology - okay, so I was pretty much wrong on that front - but I wanted to see it again.
About three quarters of the way through the movie when the action was really heating up (not that it was dull before that point) and Thor was in pursuit of his hammer (don’t ask), the skies outside began to flash and rumble - no kidding.
The clash and din of the movie ended - but outside, the storm was just beginning.
We both thought it an interesting coincidence that, here we are, watching a movie about Thor, and suddenly outside out windows, the entire sky is lit by great bolts of lightning.
As we turned our attention outside and gazed down upon the street below, it was clear that this was not just thunder but a rainstorm (dearly needed in these dry times) of epic proportions with all the necessary accoutrements; lightning, thunder, etc.
What made it seem even more diluvial were the people walking, uber-quickly, or running like mad things down the street - it truly seemed as if some great mythic beast had been loosed upon the world.
All of this ‘atmosphere’ caused me to notice, yet again, the gait of my fellow creatures and how said gait is affected by circumstance - in this case, a huge, soaking rain.
Some seemed resigned to the fact that they were going to be wet and plodded on, shoulders hunched against the inevitable soaking, while others darted about on the balls of their feet, hoping for some gravity-defying force to prevent their shoes, feet, or both from getting wet - but alas, in such a downpour, a certain outcome was inevitable; drenched, drenched, drenched! (In glancing out the window yet again, I just now caught sight of a man on a unicycle pedalling furiously up the street! Now, that’s unusual!)
Anyway, the evening has been quite entertaining - did I mention I need to lose about 5 pounds!?
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