I’ve got the laundry done but the bags aren’t packed.
I’ve one more workout and a half a half night’s sleep after tonight.
We’re leaving early Tuesday morning and it ought to be great.
And it will be.
It’s just that I always spend the last couple of days before a trip feeling like I’m completely out of control (though, I’m not at all); wondering to myself:
What do I pack? How much should I take? Will it all fit in the bag I’m taking? Will they allow the bag on the plane?
I don’t want to check luggage.
Should I be taking vials of cologne? Will they be deemed ‘suspect’ and be removed?
Must I endure yet another ‘frisking’ after I’ve told them a million times I have an artificial hip on the left side?
Why do they treat me (and so many others) as criminals; guilty until proven innocent?
I understand the need for security but when you actually have some sort of impediment to travel, like an artificial hip - or any other bionic element, why must they drag you out of the line to endure, at times, the most humiliating treatment.
And, hey!
Before you go all crazy on me - I’m not that sensitive when it comes to these things. It’s just that, there is reasonable and then - there is unreasonable.
And the way many of these guys behave makes one just a little bit testy - but you can’t be.
Because they have the ability to completely ruin your trip by either making you miss your plane or detain you for some sort of insubordination.
It’s crazy.
So, those of us with artificial limbs, etc, must keep our silence; allow ourselves to be prodded and poked, searched repeatedly by greedy little hands and not say a word - in other words, we must resign ourselves to the state of the state.
But I digress…
I’m going to a family reunion.
I’m excited about seeing people I haven’t seen in years.
I know it will be strange.
But I am up for the strangeness.
And my partner is coming too - and will participate - at least for one night.
This is a huge, huge thing.
It’s going to be great.
And I can’t wait.
Though I could do without the hands in my waistband and in my crotch - that’s just icky.
Try not to imagine it now.
Thank you.
Good night.