Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Perfect Evening For Festivities!

There is definitely something in the air - there has been a steady stream of out-of-towners (as well as locals) up and down our street but as you approach Church Street, the atmosphere is filled with celebration.

Of course, with the street blocked off and filled with revellers, it could feel no other way.

I did not participate in any of the ‘reindeer games’ this afternoon but spent it, as usual, in the gym.

Well, I didn’t get up as early as I could have, being slightly lazy this morning, and by the time I did get up, the morning was waning and I realized there wouldn’t be time for everything - but there’s always time for the gym!

Tonight, there will be some participation, if only minor - and tomorrow - well, tomorrow we’ll definitely go to the parade.

We always do.

It’s a point of ‘pride’ so to speak, particularly with my partner. Supporting the parade is the least, we, who have benefited from the fight that came before, can do - and I agree.

Besides - it’s a parade!

What’s not to like!?

But right now - I have other things to attend to.

Hasta luego!

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