I consider myself quite fortunate these days.
I mean, I’ve been working out regularly for about the last 4 years or so and the ‘workload’ has intensified. Before this time, I worked out - but the workouts were sporadic and there was a bit of the old ‘yoyo’ weight gain/loss thing happening - far too frequently.
But somehow, this time is different - I was determined to make the workouts a permanent part of my life and have now done just that - incorporating exercise into my daily routine. And as I said, the workouts have intensified.
However, this has not always translated into visible results.
I’m not saying that there have not been changes, for indeed, there have. the last ‘yoyo’ had me up to nearly 200 lbs. and I’m now fairly steady at 149 lbs. - this is something you can see, believe me.
But what I’m talking about is the actual building of muscle. Of course, you don’t build muscle without lifting weights and the weight-training is something I’ve added in the last 2 years, I’d say - before that, it was all pretty much cardio - well, I had to drop about 40 lbs, didn’t I!?
The thing is - since beginning the weight-training, I’ve not seen a great deal of change.
I think that’s all about to happen now, though. You see, our super used to be a trainer (still is a trainer but only on the side and not here in our condo gym) and I’ve kidded around with him, asking him when I’m going to gain some muscle mass, given that I work out so hard.
One of the last times I spoke to him in this manner, he said that he would come and help me and about a month or so (could have been longer) later, he did just that.
Now, here’s the really good part!
I saw him yesterday after I’d been to the gym and he suggested that tomorrow, being today, I should call the front desk before heading down to the gym and he would come and show me a few more exercises.
I called to let him know I was on my way to the gym and when he showed up, he then spent the next hour and a half, putting me through my paces!
This was fabulous!
I’d never intended for him to take that much of an interest; I thought he might give me a couple of exercises to do - but this is the 3rd time he’s actually worked with me, making sure I’m doing things properly.
I can’t tell you how thrilled I am about this - okay, not so much about the pain part!
But how fortunate am I to be receiving free training sessions!?
Well, I can tell you - very, very fortunate!
This is why I believe that within 3 months or so (his timeline), I should be able to see real results. This is incredibly good news - to me anyway.
I’ve just got to remain as diligent with the exercises he gives me as I have been, doing the work on my own - without achieving the desired results.
Anyway, I’m quite chuffed about the whole thing and can’t wait to see some payoff.
In the meanwhile, I have to go lie down - I’m exhausted!
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