Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Perfect Evening For Festivities!

There is definitely something in the air - there has been a steady stream of out-of-towners (as well as locals) up and down our street but as you approach Church Street, the atmosphere is filled with celebration.

Of course, with the street blocked off and filled with revellers, it could feel no other way.

I did not participate in any of the ‘reindeer games’ this afternoon but spent it, as usual, in the gym.

Well, I didn’t get up as early as I could have, being slightly lazy this morning, and by the time I did get up, the morning was waning and I realized there wouldn’t be time for everything - but there’s always time for the gym!

Tonight, there will be some participation, if only minor - and tomorrow - well, tomorrow we’ll definitely go to the parade.

We always do.

It’s a point of ‘pride’ so to speak, particularly with my partner. Supporting the parade is the least, we, who have benefited from the fight that came before, can do - and I agree.

Besides - it’s a parade!

What’s not to like!?

But right now - I have other things to attend to.

Hasta luego!

Friday, June 29, 2012

The End Is Nye!

Okay - the birthday week ends soon - nothing can be done about that - and why should any effort be put into making it otherwise?
It is solid; it cannot be changed.

And that is as it should be.

One of the things I love about the date on which I was born, is that it happens to coincide with the Stonewall Riots and with that, I feel as if somehow ‘the movement’ gave birth to the ‘out’ me.

Of course, on June 27, 1969, I was still in high school and in complete denial about my own sexuality.

(And if the truth be told, though the evening cited began on the 27th, the raid and riot actually took place on the 28th - but few think of it so… I know I don’t!)

Still, I feel internally that the stars aligned in just the right order to make this great day of celebration be my day of celebration as well, for, whether or not it was the 27th or 28th, the fact remains that most Gay Pride events revolve around one of these 2 dates - and that (pretty much) is a fact.

But I am weary.

It is late.

We have company tomorrow.

I must -

to bed.




Happy Pride!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Alas! No Workout Today!

Of course, it’s bound to happen occasionally.

And it means very little - other than I didn’t make it to the gym - for one day.

I ended up being ‘too busy’ and found myself outside of the confines of my domain for longer than I’d thought.

Not to mention the heat of the day, for it played a role in my decision not to go.

I was too hot.

I was too tired.

I was exhausted after a few days of non-stop gym time and back to back ballet classes on Monday.

Actually, I don’t really worry about missing a day at the gym (even if it niggles a little…).

I have come so far as to know that a dropped day does not mean I have lost ‘the battle’.

In fact, what exactly is ‘the battle’?

Well, truth be told - there isn’t one.

One just moves steadily forward, acknowledging the lapse, but continuing without the ridiculous self-flagellation and sense of having failed that often accompanies these minor setbacks.

Listen to me!

I’m talking as if I have in fact committed some huge transgression!

All I’m saying is that, at this point in my life, I take things in stride and don’t fret about losing some imaginary battle - I’ve already won; for I have won.

It’s at least 4 years now and I’ve managed to keep off about 10 times that amount in weight.
Yes, I monitor - but I don’t obsess.

I eat what I want, I drink like a fish - but I exercise daily and when the odd day comes when I can’t, I know it’s not the end of the world - I’ll survive - I won’t become huge (unless it’s with muscle) and spend my life on a couch, eating bonbons and staring dull-eyed at the television.

In other words - I’m pretty normal.

And I’m still in my ‘Birthday Week’.

So, you know what?

I deserve and can afford a break.

Happy Birthday (Week!), to Me!

Thank you.

And Best Wishes on your own journey!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Day of Days!


Perhaps I’ve been a little too ‘messianic’ when referring to my birthday - but still - we all need to think positively about ourselves, n’est pas?

So, I’m not whoozis incarnate - at the same time, it’s necessary to have a sense of command about oneself and a core belief in who you are - without falling into the egocentric sense that you are the be all and end all.


I’m just me.

Happy little me.

Content with what I have and happy to be alive; to have survived as long as I have.

I know - I said most of this last night.


Tonight is my birthday - and in fact - I was born at about this exact time (it is now 10:34pm).


I was a night birth.

And the hours I keep seem to reflect that.

Let me just say this:

On reflection, I am happy with who I am, with what I’ve done, and who I’ve loved; life does not get any better than this.

That is a fact.

At least, for me.

It is good to understand the limitlessness within your own boundaries…

Amen to that.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

All About (Birthday) Eve...

I can’t actually say there’s been any duplicity involved on this, the eve of my actual birthday. Nor has there been much of anything remarkable on which to remark.


My own inherent sense of impending occasion made this day seem just slightly more extraordinary than all the rest of the year - excluding Christmas, which for reasons that may seem obvious but are not, is celebrated in much the same way.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

I’m not for one minute suggesting that my humble birth has even the slightest connection to that of the Baby Jesus, or even rivals it in any way (what, with my not being a saviour and all), but in my own mind, the sense of occasion that fills me during this period of time is pretty much equal to that great joy I feel when Christmas arrives - without the tree.

I know.

It’s completely strange.

I’m one of those people who think that I could just as easily celebrate Saturnalia instead of X-mas and still have the same feeling (and yes, it’s okay to use the ‘X’ for Christmas - look it up!) as I do on my own birthday.

Let’s face it - it’s all about the ‘sense of occasion’; it's what one brings to it that makes it special.

I have decided that my birthday is ‘special’ - even if briefly - and only for/by me.

We have so few things in our lives that we think worthy of allowing ourselves to celebrate, that a birthday is the perfect time to rejoice in ourselves and all that we, as mere flesh and bone, are capable of.

I mean, my God! We are extraordinary creatures!

Acknowledging that once a year is not exactly being extravagant.

And so.

Each year, during the ‘week’ of my birth, I allow myself the ‘extravagance’ of thinking about me and delighting in the ‘me’ that has managed to live so long; to celebrate each of the Celebratory Week’s days and to reflect and be thankful for all that I have, all those who have assisted me in one way or another, and all whom I love and love me in return.

Being an agnostic has made it easier for me to insert my own sense of spirituality into the week of my birth and to surround it with a certain amount of sanctity and ritual.

After all - if we cannot appreciate the birth of the lowliest, such as myself, how on earth are we supposed to celebrate that of the possible quadrillion and one birth of a messiah, I ask you!?

(Okay - this needs rewriting - but hey! - that’s not what this blog is about, OKAY!? We’re just ‘throwing stuff out there’ - and hoping for an idea or two.

And besides - I can write what I want (crushingly bad grammar, syntax, etc., uncorrected) - it’s my birthday tomorrow.
P.S. Call me Zeus...

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Little Dread For the Ballet

Oh My God!

It’s only 4:11pm and I’m feeling quite tired.

And I have a ballet class (maybe 2) tonight.

This morning I was feeling exceedingly chipper and full of energy.

I knew it would need to be tapped throughout the day but I figured I’d have reserves for this evening.


Perhaps it was that hour and a half I spent in the gym this morning.

Or the race to finish up my tax forms and mail them in.

Or the replanting of the herbs I purchased yesterday.

Or maybe it was a combination of all of those things.

Whatever it was or was not, the result is that I am quite tired.

And wish (a little bit) that I had not decided to take this next session of the ballet class again.


I’ve said it!

It’s just that, you know, there are some days you just don’t feel ‘up’ to doing certain things - especially if you’re tired - like I am today.

But I’ve still got make up classes to take and I can’t afford to miss anymore as we’re coming into the home stretch, so to speak.

And next Monday is yet another holiday so I’ll have another class to make up.

No, I’m going to have to bite the bullet and go.

But, God! It’s breaking my teeth!

Once I get there I’ll be fine.

Wish me luck…!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lazy, Lazy Sunday! What? What Happened to the Laundry!?

Yes, that’s right - I was feeling lazy on this Sunday morning - and most of the day.

But - about that laundry - I’d always said it should be done on the Sunday but I’ve obviously become less OCD about it, as I’ve begun doing on Saturday.

I know - is this ‘news’ anyone really needs?

Just keeping you abreast of things…

I had little to no energy but thought if I didn’t do something I’d fall into a complete stupor - so, I roused myself and headed down to the gym.

This was a good thing to do.

I was only going to do about 20 minutes of cardio but that turned into 50 minutes and then I figured, I might as well do some leg ‘stuff’.

I hadn’t done that in a few days and I fear the shrinking of the legs - not that they’ll really shrink - but, you know…

All of this was good because I ended up feeling quite refreshed and when I got back home, it was time for a reading session.


And by the way - the new stand mixer has been ordered!

Gotta run.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Can One Ever Be Really Too Obsessive About - the Gym?

Oy, oy, oy!

I ache!

A little!

I’m really getting very good about the discipline thing.

I forced myself to the gym today and though I’d intended on doing just a little bit, by the time I got there and started working out, some all-encompassing need to do a good job took hold of me.

The next thing I know, 2 hours had passed and I was, hmmm, how shall I say this? - spent.

But totally in a good way.

I’m really working hard on the old transformation and even if it doesn’t amount to a great change - I know change is coming.

In fact, it’s begun.

We were going to dinner tonight but that got nixed - a little by both of us.

It was going to be a Greek night out, over on the Danforth, so as a tribute to the ‘not going out’, I grilled calamari.

They turned out brilliantly.

But now, after all my working out - it’s time to get ready for bed.


Friday, June 22, 2012

A New Stand Mixer Is Coming Soon!

God, I’m tired!

I had to get up early this morning and as a result, I ‘accidentally’ woke up at around 5:00am and unfortunately, was unable to go back to sleep.

I finally gave up on the sleep thing and got up around 6:45am - oh, well - I had things to do.

I don’t know if I mentioned it, but my KitchenAid Stand Mixer is only half-operational. Oh, it does all the turning and churning - but the hub doesn’t work anymore - at least, not well enough to use it.

This is a problem because I have attachments - and they weren’t cheap.

I know that to take the thing in and have it repaired would probably cost as much as half of a new one - so, I’ve sold my old one for a song and, seeing that my birthday is coming next week, I’ll be getting a new one!

My old one has already gone to its new home and the counter seems bare without it.

In fact, as it was leaving the condo, I had a moment of panic - like - what was I going to do now!?

I know - totally insane - but there you are.

I’ve calmed down now.

And I’m looking forward to ordering and getting the new one!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Protien For Muscle-Building!

It’s been another one of those non-stop days with lots of technological bits being required of me.

My neighbour upstairs is not at all adept with the computer and I am frequently called upon to print something or order something, or just find something.

Today’s tasks included map-searches and a printout of the located site as well as the setting up of a new iPad.

I have to admit - the 2nd bit was more fun than the 1st - I mean, how could it not be?

It was nice to get my hands on the latest version and marvel at its thinness, etc.

I am a bit geeky when it comes to these things.

Later, there was a vigorous workout and now, I’m about to make my sups!

I’ve got a steak ready to be cooked and I can’t wait.

I hear protein builds strong muscles…

Off I go!

Buon Appetito!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Divinity Comes to Us In Many Forms

I’m exhausted - in a totally good way.

I had a full schedule for the morning that continued through the afternoon - a varied number of things to be done that kept me out of the house and quite busy.

Upon my return, I had a moment’s rest before heading to the gym.

It was there, that the ‘real’ work began.

I hadn’t expected it - but the phantom trainer appeared from out of the mist - it could have been haze (yes, I know - it’s all very melodramatic), looking buff and particularly tough.

We were in for a punishing workout.

And so it was.

There were presses, there were pull-downs, there were lifts of great weight.

There were push-ups, there were crunches, and the bicycle (which I hate!).

But I digress…

The day!

Was long.


But, do you want to know a secret?

I am extraordinarily fortunate.

And happy.

I have had a fantastic trainer land right in my lap, so to speak, without having to search for someone who might be ‘okay’ - and just okay.

My new friend is a fellow who just wants to share his knowledge with people who are truly interested - and I have a feeling those people are few and far between.

I think a lot of people who hire a trainer think they are going to be transformed through some sort of process of osmosis; that the work will not have to be done by them, personally, but somehow they will absorb the physical attributes of the trainer simply by being in their presence.

I know my trainer sees in me, someone who is serious about transforming his body and willing to put in the work - and therefore he's willing to ‘gift’ his knowledge and experience to me.

I am, indeed, fortunate.

And tired.

Exhausted, really.

In the best way possible.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Who Knew Dinner Could Be So Difficult to Make!?

Okay, the day was going smoothly - pretty much. I’d been to the gym, helped a friend tabulate and package items for a trip and accomplished a number of other things.

I knew I was going to be on my own for the evening and so yesterday, I transferred a small steak from the freezer to the fridge.

That’s what I call, thinking ahead!

I also knew that I didn’t really want the steak, as such, but thought I would grind it into hamburger - hamburger being what I really craved (don’t ask me why - I don’t know).

I also knew that, having read all this business about the ‘pink slime’ being added to ground beef - and the fact that you really don’t know what part(s) of the animal you’re getting - and the possibility of e-coli or something more sinister, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease could contaminate ‘store-bought’ ground beef because of the mixing of various parts of the animal - I decided, that I would use my fabulous KitchenAid Stand Mixer meat-grinding attachment to make real ‘quality’ ground beef.

I’d done it before (once) and it worked like a dream.

This was not a recurring dream.

I set everything up, cut the meat into cubes, attached the attachment, turned it on (funny noise) and began feeding the beef into the ‘hopper’.

Mere seconds later, ground beef began to come out of the extrusion end of the apparatus.


Then - Grinding, thumping noises. This was not good. In fact, this was bad. Very, very bad.

The meat stopped coming out.

The screw refused to turn.

Henry James would have been disappointed.

But not half as disappointed as I.

What was I to do with my meat?


Years ago, on the occasion of my partner’s ___ birthday (we don’t need numbers, right?), an old and dear friend of his gifted him with the strangest thing - a hand-cranked meat grinder.

Now, I wasn’t sure if we still had it (of course, I was sure - I know what everything is and where everything is in this household!) but I thought I’d laid eyes on it in the storage locker.

A quick search, turned up the screw (sorry about that).

After cleaning it up and figuring out how to attach it to a chopping board, I managed to finally get the beef ground.

But, honestly - the whole thing ended up taking at least an hour - and probably longer.

The real disappointment is the fact that my KitchenAid failed so miserably.

How could that happen to a product I hold in such high regard?

I don’t know.

What I do know is this:

I’m getting a new one.


Monday, June 18, 2012

The Double Is Off!

Well, a decision has been made - there will be no double class tonight.

First of all, it’s hugely humid and that is going to sink me somewhat.

Plus, I did another major workout today, which included 20 minutes of cardio - and so I think one class will do it.

Besides, I was up early and I really don’t think I could do 2 classes back to back from 6:45pm to 9:30pm - it would just be too, too much.

You know why?

Because I’m not 20.

I’ll content myself with the one class and be happy that, at my age (I know, I’m not that old), I can do it at all!

It’s showtime, folks!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Search for Mr. Goodbody Continues...

Well, I hadn’t really intended on going to the gym today but I feel as if my workouts have been rather spotty these days and so I decided, even though I wasn’t quite in the mood, that I would spend at least 20 minutes or so doing a bit of cardio and some minor weight lifting.

It didn’t turn out that way.

I called my gym buddy, who lives in the building, to see if he wanted to go (sometimes, working out with someone makes you work harder - don’t ask me why - but it’s true.). I was going to do 20 minutes on the treadmill and suggested he join me after.

This was agreed upon and I headed down to the gym.

About 15 minutes into my workout, my phone rang - he wasn’t coming.

This was a good thing - and a bad thing.

Bad for him, because he wasn’t going to be working out.

Good for me because I could tailor my workout to my own needs - and that meant 40 minutes on the treadmill before I began my weights.


I was certainly well warmed-up by the time I hit the weights and began one of the 3 series of exercises my new trainer has given me. On Friday, he changed up the routine a bit and instead of doing 3 sets of 10 reps of the exercise using the same weight, I was to do 3 sets using a heavier weight than I had before and do an extra 2 sets using an even heavier weight!

This was quite intense and - dare I say it? - much - more - difficult.

But I was into it and loved it.

In fact, I loved it so much that I spent over 2 hours there.

I have a feeling I’m going to be sore tomorrow.

Particularly my shoulders.


I’ll try not to overdo it tomorrow.

I have a ballet class in the evening.

And I’m thinking of doing another double.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Birthday - Missed!

Everything seemed to be going so ‘swimmingly’ for a moment.

I was feeling quite fit and in good health (for a change).

We were to attend a birthday celebration this evening - but I was feeling ‘ooky’ - actually, rather dreadful.

I thought a brief bout in the gym would do the trick but I ended up only feeling worse.

Then, I thought a swim would help - you know - immerse yourself in the healing waters, etc - but that only ended up making me feel completely spent.

In the end, I had to beg off and this was not at all a good thing - I felt like a grovelling little ingrate - but what do you do when you are feeling like pook!?

The only sensible thing is bed - and that is where I’m bound. Oh! The horror!

And it’s so early!




Friday, June 15, 2012

Are the Bees Busier? - I Don't Think So!

I’ve got to fly - I cannot chat.

Fort York is calling - as are its Luminato event, tents.

I must fly.

I’ll let you know how it goes…


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Crawling Under the Wire

I’d love to stay - but I’m exhausted.

It was a great night last night (at the ballet), a great day today, and I’m sure it’s going to be a brilliant tomorrow.


Right now.

I need to go to bed.

I know - I too think it’s sort of ‘cheaty’ to just ‘dip a toe in’, so to speak, and not really write anything.


Right now.

I need to go to bed.

Buona Notte!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

20th Anniversary - Thank You!

Brief, brief, brief!

I’m off celebrating.

It’s my/our 20th Anniversary.

It’s time to reflect on how fortune has smiled on us.

We are lucky.


For 2 souls to come together, join, and remain thus, is nothing short of a miracle.

2 people.

In love.

We are.



Monday, June 11, 2012

Ballet X 2 = Over and Out!

I just got home - and thank God, as it’s raining.

Don’t get me wrong - I like the rain. Just not on me.

Today was the day of the double ballet class and I have to say - I’m a little weary.

You see, I’ve missed 4 classes from being away, sick, stupid, etc - and I have to make them up. Okay, well, I don’t have to make them up - but I paid for them and I am determined. Unfortunately, there aren’t a great number of classes at a level on which I would feel comfortable and that limits my choices. The other issue: I don’t want to be walking out of the house at 7:45pm to begin a class at 8:00pm - it interferes with the whole evening. I mean, I wouldn’t be able to eat at a decent time and that would be a problem.

Oh, it’s all ridiculous I know - but I’ve become quite finicky…

Today, I decided that I would skip dinner and have a sandwich around 3:00pm - which I did. I knew I needed ‘fuel’ because I was about to embark on a very, very long evening of exercise, beginning at 6:45pm and ending at 9:30pm - with a 10 minute break. That’s a good 2 1/2 hours of exercise - I guess it’s a good thing I didn't manage to get to the gym today.

Oh! I would have, but somehow, there was a lot of hemming and hawing and it didn’t happen - though I did go for a swim (more aerobic, I didn’t need!).

The point of all of this, is that I am exhausted!

Completely wrecked! (I think I might have mentioned earlier in these pages that I was prone to hyperbole - when the shoe fits…)

All of this is just to say good-night; that I couldn’t write a thing this evening because even my poor little fingers are tired and can barely raise themselves high enough to strike the keys on the keyboard.

Let’s see how I feel tomorrow - I’m kind of thinking of another make up class on Wednesday…

Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Beautiful Day for a Brunch - if You Like That Sort of Thing

Today was the annual brunch of our condo building put on by the ‘social committee’. I have to give them credit for pulling these events, of which there are about 3 per year, together - it takes a real sense of community and camaraderie to pull off - something I struggle to have on a daily basis.

I am, by nature, a solitary sort.

A hermit, if you will.

Borderline recluse.

In other words, it takes a great deal of energy for me to attend one of these things as I’ve pretty much lost my ability to make small talk - as they say, “use it or lose it” - and this adage, it seems, applies to so many things - including the social graces.

My partner had mentioned the other day that we might go but I put it down to ‘just talk’.

I was wrong.

And terrified.

This morning he was preparing to go and I was trying to feign some illness or something but he wasn’t buying it - in the end, I had to go as he promised we’d only stay for 20 minutes at the most.

An hour and a half later, we finally made it back upstairs.

You know what?

It wasn’t as bad as all that.

In fact, it was quite enjoyable.

It’s not every day that the people in a building get together and actually get along and have fun - at least in my experience.

I lived in New York for 12 years and I don’t think I ever met any of my neighbours - in fact, I rarely saw them.

But it was a beautiful day for a brunch and instead of having it on the roof terrace, it was held in the back garden - a feature of the building that not many know about. In fact, one woman who’s lived in the building for 26 years, had no idea it was there.

Well, there you go - if you don’t explore, you’ll never know.

I, on the other hand, had not only seen it but had spent time there - brief though it might have been.

I may be mildly misanthropic, but I do go out of the house - on occasion.

Anyway, I was glad I went because we’ve got new people in the building and it was a perfect time to get to know them a bit better.

And to learn if they need to be avoided.

By the way - they do not.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Crawling/Scrambling Under the Wire

For a ‘not very eventful’ Saturday, I sure have been busy. Or at least, it seems that way. What other explanation could there be for my arriving here at such a late hour. It’s all because of the gym.

Yes, that’s right - the gym.

I had the bestest of bestests intentions of going this morning - but that was impossible. After all, it was Saturday - and I had all the Saturday papers to go through and read - and there are lots of sections in 2 papers.

Plus - I had some ‘other’ writing that needed to be done - 2 separate items - both of which, were accomplished.

Then, there was a moment of losing focus, remembering to focus, and then moving on with the day.

This is where the gym happens.

I was only going to do a little cardio but, as so often happens, once I’m in there, I can’t help but continue working out.

And so I did.

After 40 minutes on the treadmill, I began a weight workout with leg presses - 180 lbs for a total of 156 presses in 2 positions - it’s a lot.

I was planning on stopping there but then thought that I could do just a couple of curls and be done with it. But they felt so good, I had to move on to something else.

Let me just say that 2 hours later, I finally left the gym feeling quite satisfied -if rather spent.

Once I’d cooled down and got myself ‘in order’, I had another task to perform (it will remain unremarked - you don’t need to know everything!), involving calculators and number crunching before it was time to begin thinking about what the next step might be.

This was an easy one - a glass of wine before dinner - perfect.

But even more perfect was the fact that we were eating out and there would be no cooking!


A bit of Thai.

It was good.

The service:

Not good.

Oh, well.

A good time was had.

And now -

It’s time





Friday, June 8, 2012

A a Day, Keeps the Doldrum at Bay

Now, I’ve always been a fan of, though my use of it used to be quite infrequent. Of late, I find myself checking it every day - and ‘favouring’ quite a few of the words of the day.

It isn’t always that I do not know the words, but there are times when a one pops up that you either haven’t used or at least haven't  heard in a very long time - and I like to put down on my ‘list’ of words.

In the back of my mind, I have this idea that one day they will all come in handy in some bit of writing I’m doing - but in reality, it’s more like I”m compiling my own dictionary that reflects my interests - and they are varied - and therefore, so is the list.

But it’s not just the ‘word of the day’ I like; there are three other categories that are also worth a quick scan and sometimes, even a deeper bit of delving.

It’s funny - because I remember in Grade 4 we used to do ‘dictionary work’. I can’t remember exactly how it worked but I do know that we would be given a list of words and then had to look them up and copy out their definitions. Whether there was ever a test on them, I do not recall. What I do recall is that I absolutely abhorred it! It was the kind of thing that, had I a weaker constitution, would have made me sick to my stomach - that’s how much I disliked it.

Of course, it could have been the circumstances. We had just moved from a fairly big city (at least to me), uprooted ourselves from all we knew, and gone to live in a speck of dust in the mountains where we were aliens in almost every sense of the word - and I had red hair. Cursed!

Because we’d moved ‘mid-term’, I was thrust into a group of people whose allegiances and their foes had already been firmly established - like I said, an alien.

On top of that - it was a catholic school and Vatican II had not yet taken full affect, so the mass, which we had to attend every morning, was still in Latin - interesting, and much more mysterious and ritualistic than what I assume (haven’t been for ages) passes for a mass today.

But again, veering off topic.

Back to dictionaries…

Though I found the surroundings depressing and the dictionary work, tedious - I can’t help but feel that somehow my interest in looking things up had the seeds of its origin in that gloomy world.

Granted, I think I was always a ‘curious’ child (in more ways than one) and given the fact that I had at my disposal at home, a set of encyclopedias and that greatest of compilations, The Book of Wonder, I was already on the road to looking for meaning in the world that surrounded me - but perhaps the 'dictionary diving' solidified the necessity for process; that the act of diligently seeking out new knowledge was in itself a satisfying thing.

I’ll never know - because at the time - I hated it!

And now I’m living with an ‘app’ for a dictionary. Not only does it define words for me but each day, it presents me with 4 ‘little’ items: 1, is the Word of the Day; 2, is the Hot Word of the day; 3 is the Question of the Day; and 4, is the Spanish Word of the Day (clearly, it’s an American app and not Canadian - otherwise, it would be French!).

I’ve now got in the habit of checking it every day and find that, at times, it’s little jolt of definitions, semantics, grammar, usage, style, origin, etc, though certainly not in depth, supplies my brain with a little bit of previously unknown fodder to digest and kickstarts the thinking process for the day.

I find it quite tasty.

And fun.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

An Italian Evening

Non ho piĆ¹ tempo per scrivere!

Yes, it’s true - once again, I’m out of time.

I’ve been studying Italian for some time now and once a month, when he’s able, my Italian teacher has a dinner with various students to give them the opportunity to ‘immerse themselves’ totally in an evening of food and chatter - strictly in Italian.

Somehow, I’ve always been busy or sick or something on the evening - in fact, the last time there was a dinner, I’d planned on going and ended up having to cancel mere hours before - I’d come down with the flu.

I was very disappointed as I truly wanted to go.

Tonight is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for - I’m well, I’ve got no other plans, and I’m set to go.

Well, almost.

I have to get ready.


And so my friends - I must bring this to a close - subito!

Ci vediamo dopo…

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Necessity of List-Making

I was reading in the paper today that very few people who make lists on a daily basis, complete the tasks they set for themselves. And it reminded me - I need to make lists.

It’s not that I don’t make them ever - it’s that I am inconsistent in their making.

And it’s not that I’m inconsistent out of indolence (though other things could be chalked up to that…) but rather, because I simply forget to compile one.

I attribute this also to age.

I know, you’d think I was Methuselah - but there’s no denying the memory takes jogging as the years pass.

The weird thing to me is that I may do something regularly, even daily, for some time and then one day forget to do it. The following day, I carry on as if I’d never performed whatever action is not being carried out. It might be a week, maybe more, before something twigs and a light goes on, reminding me that I’ve stopped doing something.

I find that very bizarre.

Granted, this is a rare occurrence - but when it does happen, it’s odd. I suppose it generally occurs when I am just starting something new and it hasn’t yet become a habit.

Still, how can you be doing something one day and completely forget about it the next!?

Or, as with lists, I simply forget that they can be useful tools for organizing the day’s plan of attack.

I’ll be mentally going through all the things I want to get done, with the ever-present fear that something will be left out, and it never occurs to me to write them down - on a list!

This generally applies to a variety of tasks but not so much when grocery shopping - for in that instance, I almost always make a list.

Okay, sometimes it is just a mental one - but after all my years of shopping, I find that I’m pretty clear about what I need to pick up. It’s only when the irregularly purchased items come up for restocking that I tend to make a list on paper, or digitally.

This whole list-making thing would make my life much easier - and it certainly would be easier on my nerves, since I wouldn’t be fretting about what it was I had wanted to get done.

I recently saw a video that detailed what could be one of my days - not every day - but the odd day.

Anyway, I think it’s time to start making lists a part of my daily routine.

As long as I can remember to do so…