Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Where Have All the Hours Gone? Long Time Passin'...

Oh! To have more time! But I haven’t - and short comes in various sizes. Tonight’s ‘short’ is of the briefest kind.

I’d considered a topic earlier in the day but, even then, I didn’t have time to put it down on - well - this thing that isn’t paper. What is it? It certainly isn’t paper - and as far as I can tell, you don’t write it ‘down’, for that assumes a flat surface with a writing implement positioned above, ready to let gravity do the work between pen and page. No, this is something perpendicular and not at all foldable - as a letter might be.

Anyway - there had been a topic but it is gone now and even if I could draw it back - there is no time!

What I can leave here is the knowledge that this has been a day well spent. You may be curious as to its content, and though I hate to disappoint, its contents shall remain unknown - there is no time!

Suffice it to say that workouts were had, laps were done, galleries were visited, birthdays were celebrated, and dining occurred - all in the course of one day.

A remarkable day, really. Oh, yes! And there was sun.

This is where I think the hours went.

I know.

This is dull.


Once again, I’ve fulfilled the promise to myself to write every day - even if the product is drivel.

Let’s just remember - on some days you’re going to do better than on others.

Good Night.

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