Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes

I have some friends who are members of Costco. I wouldn’t call them fanatics but they certainly do like the store. I used to think these ‘warehouse club’ things were pretty lame - but that never stopped me from requesting, on occasion, if I might be allowed to go along with them.

Not having a membership myself, I would hand over the few items I’d picked up and pay for them later - in cash. These places only take cash or American Express. I don’t get that. And of course, my friends only take cash as well.

Anyway, as I was saying - I used to think these warehouses were soul-destroying dens of consumption - consumption done on a level unheard of when I was growing up. 
I mean, who needs to buy 20 boxes of kleenex at a time? And once you do (along with the other ginormous boxes) where, oh where, do you store them all!? 
Living in a condo, space is an issue - we don’t have a giant shed in the backyard - or a 3 car garage to stuff all the loot in.

But that’s getting off the topic again - the thing is - I could never really see myself shopping at one of these places like Costco for instance because I don’t buy in bulk. Having lived in NYC for a great number of years, I am quite used to shopping daily and therefore have no need to ‘stock up’ on many things.

However, a problem arose when I became addicted to pistachios. I don’t recall exactly when this addiction began but it was at least 3 years ago or so - and now, there is a monster (or perhaps, a squirrel) inside of me that cannot be sated when it comes to that particular nut.

But there are complications of a sort.

As far as addictions go, this is one I’m willing - no - eager to feed and so I haven’t many qualms about purchasing bags full of these little delights - but there is one niggling thing that has grown pronounced over the last little while - the price. 
It seems to have sky-rocketed - and now, even a small bag of the little charmers costs about $6.00! And in my case, a small bag doesn’t go very far. How could the price of a nut be so high? It’s ridiculous!

And this is what leads me to Costco. On one of my few visits to Costco with my friends, I spotted a bag of pistachios whose size was so large as to astound - a bag that size would never be found in any of my local grocery stores, and if, by some miracle, one that big should appear, believe me it would cost a small fortune. 
But there, at the wonderful Costco, it was $15! 
That’s right - Fifteen Dollars!

Well, I almost swooned with delight - and picked up 3 of them.

Now, before I go any further, I should mention that I don’t just eat them by the dozen, but I also bake with them - they are a key ingredient in my Pistachio & Cranberry Biscotti - and I bake a lot of these. 
I mean - a lot. 
This justifies the need to always have them at hand…

The problem I have now is that I cannot rely on ‘The Kindness of Strangers’ to be ever at the ready to take me to Costco when the need arises. And so, I suddenly found myself contemplating the idea of getting my own membership (how novel)! 
I never thought such a day would come - but there you are.

Not only do they have huge bags of pistachios but boxes of chocolate bars that are also quite reasonably priced - and they don’t take up a lot of space (like the kleenex would).

There are lots of other lovely things at the magnificent Costco as well - but I will not go into detail about them - for now…

Anyway, I was getting ready to go to the delightful Costco all by myself and get my membership card when I received a phone call from my original Costco connection. During the conversation I mentioned that I would be getting my own card (sniff) and would not be relying on them to buy things for me anymore.

This news was met with what I could only consider insouciance, and I was shocked to think that my new found independent buying power meant so very little - for, to me, it was huge news! 
I was going to become a member of that grand and noble club named Costco
How could this not matter to everyone, I ask you!? 
And what was I met with?  Indifference.  Complete indifference.
Everyone is so very jaded.

As it turned out, they were planning a trip to Costco the following day and wanted to know if I might want to go along… 
Well, of course, I said yes!

But this time - I’ll be buying things with my own card...

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