Sunday, May 13, 2012

Such a Lazy Sunday

These last few weeks have made me feel as if I’m barely keeping my head above water. I know that sounds slightly on the dramatic side - and perhaps it is - but being knocked down by 2 serious colds in the less than a month, has taken its toll. 
Now, I’m not saying I am a model of health - but when it comes to your usual, day to day, run of the mill illnesses such as colds, flus, etc. - I am fairly immune - and if not immune, then at least healthy enough for them not to take any serious hold on my health.

On the other hand - I do have my fair share of age-related maladies that are completely unavoidable and out of my control - not to mention those things that are perhaps passed down to me (thank you, ancestors!) by those that came before - and these present their own sets of unique problems that require maintenance on a day to day basis - and yes, I mean ‘day to day’, for they create pain.

Anyway, I feel that I am at the end of the current head-cold from which I have been suffering, and that I will soon be moving back into my perfect circle of health - at which point I will move forward with all the energy I have to take advantage of that window of opportunity in order to build on the physical frame, another ounce or two of muscle.

(I must interject here - that there is a television playing in the background and I find my concentration to be compromised by it - this is an apology in advance for the incoherence one might find here whilst reading this…)


I’m done here.

And - BTW - this is not at all what I had intended on writing…
(Then again, another day of writing has occurred - and the promise to myself has, once again, been fulfilled.)

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