Monday, May 14, 2012

Rosin up your - slippers! For We Are at Sixes & Sevens!

I have been debating, virtually all day, about attending my ballet class this evening. It shouldn’t be like this, but it is.

Here’s the thing - The Easter weekend meant that I had no class on the Monday following that holiday and it is up to each student to find and do a make-up class during the current session. This is not always an easy thing to do, given that many of the classes are either too advanced or too basic - those, ala Goldilocks, that are “Just right!”, are few, and for me - at inconvenient times.

Last Monday, we were in NYC and so another class was missed and will need to be made-up as well. If my calculations are correct - that amounts to 2. Therefore, I must find 2 make-up classes at the appropriate level before the end of the session.

Which leads me to the dilemma I face today - if I don’t go to this class, I will be forced to try and find, not 2 but 3 make-up classes - that’s quite a task.

Perhaps I should have mentioned that the only reason I’m even considering missing this evening’s class is because I woke up before 5:00am this morning, coughing endlessly and was unable to go back to sleep. Needless to say, this has left the ‘reservoir’ of energy depleted - so much so as to be able to see the bottom - and it’s not pretty.

How can I possibly get through a rather rigorous ballet class when I’ve no energy and I’m still suffering the effects of this blasted cold!? Any sane person would just say, “Don’t go!” - but then, you’d have to be sane - and somehow that is not an attribute that jumps readily to mind when I think about my varied array of attributes.


I could use a bit of sanity just now.

You see, the tolling of the hour is quickly bearing down on me and this is causing a certain amount of anxiety, bordering on panic, to occur. It’s ridiculous, I know, but I tend to put myself in these extreme positions before a decision is ever made. 

This would all be over if I just decided.

But I’d probably be kicked out of the official ‘Procrastinator's Club’ should I ever make up my mind to do something in less than, at least, 1/2 a day.

Well, I think I may be announcing a winner any moment - a coughing fit, having just ensued (and continues) seems to be swaying the balance.

Yes, yes!

A decision is imminent!

Though it’s difficult to schedule make-up classes, it is better to go that route than to cough and hack my way through a class from which I will probably get no benefit. I would not be able to give it my all - and what’s the point if you cannot give 100%, I ask you!? Not to mention the irritation of the other students who may believe, though unnecessarily, that I may still be contagious and should have stayed home.

We are at sixes and sevens no more!

I’ll begin checking the calendar for possible make-up dates.

Oh! And I forgot to mention - contributing to my fatigue is the fact that, though I probably shouldn’t have, I went to the gym today as well.

And there you have it!

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