Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Promises Kept, Decisions Altered - Unconsciously

Well, this is an interesting turn of events. It occurred to me today that in the mindful process of making sure I wrote here every day - I began to write about the process itself - in other words - reporting on my own progress - this, as many might call it, is considered journalling - and they would be right.

But that’s not what I set out to do - and even made a point (at some previous point) of indicating this would not be just a journal.

Ah, how malleable is our journey when there is no fixed destination aforehand - had I bothered to create a ‘purpose’ for this blog, its scope and focus would be more easily managed - as it is, the loose notion of using it as an outlet for whatever bit of creative writing might emerge from the tumult of voices in my head has resulted in it becoming exactly what I’d not wanted - a journal - and a public one at that.

There are worse things in the world.

On the one hand - I keep my promise to write. 


On the other - the effort to create a concise bit of fiction, brief though it may be, has proved a greater challenge than anticipated.  And the writing itself? 
Reduced to stream of consciousness, fly by the seat of your pants, journal entries with little forethought as to subject or content - mere clouds traversing a mental sky so well lit as to render all that occurs behind its reflective scrim to go unseen and thus, un-noted. 
Unfortunately, that is where the stories lie - behind the veil - and to access them, one must free the mind just enough to rise up beyond the gravity and boundaries that pull us back into the mundane - but not so high as to melt the wax of the wings that carry us up - we are all, descendants of Icarus, but as descendants, we needn’t fall if we are careful and do not let ourselves be distracted by that reflected light - we must see beyond that gauze and, with purpose, record what we have seen there.

Nothing more.

If it takes journalling to get me there - if this is what is necessary/required for me to write - then let this be my path from whence I shall take flight.

I shall embrace it.

So be it.

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