Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Long and Winding - Rabbit Hole

Okay, I admit it - sometimes, when time is actually on our side, we use it in the pursuit of - well - nothing.

Take today, for example. I started off well enough being quite busy and came out of the morning onto the other side of noon, then ran a couple of errands and still found myself with ‘extra’ time.

Now, I had made a list this morning of things I wanted to get done, but like the grasshopper who sees the long stretch of Summer ahead, I figured I could slow down a little, perhaps do a little Facebooking, etc, and still have time to complete the list.

I forgot about the Rabbit Hole effect. Or maybe I just ignored it. In any case, one bit of searching lead to another and before you could say Mad as a March Hare, the afternoon had disappeared and it appeared that some things on the list were going to have to wait until tomorrow.

This is a poor use of time - especially when I should be writing. But then again, sometimes we need ‘other stuff’ to make things flow. Still, an hour lost cannot be regained.

And that’s why I’m stopping here and going off to the piano - I need to get some practice in.

I’ll just take a quick look at my email and see if there’s anything ‘urgent’ that needs tending to…

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