I awoke this morning from a sleep so deep as to render it almost impossible to get up - but force myself to do so, I did. I figured my ‘usual’ routine would work its magic and I would awaken fully within the hour.
This did not happen.
I spent the first part of the day in a lethargic fog, trying desperately to find a bit of energy but to no avail. I suppose the endless physical activity over the last few days took it’s toll.
This is what happens as one gets older, I guess.
I expected that, after all that heavy lifting and crawling around on the floor under the (newly built!) desk, as well as more general ‘Spring Cleaning’, I’d bounce back immediately.
But, you know what?
I’m not 20.
I’m well over twice that.
Still, I’m not complaining. I’m just chronicling the adventures of a quirky kinda guy.
Anyway, I had things to do and the lethargy was holding me back.
I took a deep breath, changed my clothes, and forced myself over to the gym - I truly needed a workout. As it happened, this was, indeed, what I needed, for it rejuvenated me immediately. I think it’s all to do with oxygenating the blood, really - and I did plenty of that. By the time I’d finished, I was ready for any challenge.
It was somewhat later in the day, though and the ‘challenges’ I might face were therefore, limited.
I still managed to do a huge shop and this was a good thing because it got me out of the house.
Since Monday, I’d not been out, what with the arrival of the desk and the necessity to get everything put back in place.
It’s good to go out and explore the many twists and turns of life as we make our way along our journey; the constant flow of humanity in the streets - exhilarating, really.
We are a brook after all, aren’t we? And where do we rush off to in the end?
To join which river?
Into what sea do we finally empty?
I suppose it doesn’t really matter in the end - what remains, remains - and what doesn’t is done and gone.
Still, I like to think that some vestige of ourselves endures - even if it is the merest scintilla of what we are; the echo of a lapping wave perhaps.
“For men may come, and men may go,
But I go on forever.”
Enough of this.
As you were.
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