Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I'm Beginning to See the Light!

I think things are finally beginning to return to normal.

I just spent this entire day slowly putting things back together. Why, “back together”?

Well, you see - in order to install the new desk, I had to basically remove everything from half of the room - besides the old desk - that included a rather large filing cabinet filled with all sorts of things - besides the files. And it could not be moved without emptying it. Drat!

The process of putting everything back in place gave way to a more general Spring Cleaning (though late in the season) and before I knew it, I wasn’t even in my office anymore but, rather, the storage locker! 
That was a mistake.

It’s probably because I was so tired after the last couple of days - but I found myself on the floor of the storage locker, cleaning out the tool box, of all things. How I got to that, I can’t really say. 
Well, I could - but I’m not going into it right now. 
Suffice it to say, that I had need of something and could not find it.

The new desk is a work of art, if I do say so myself. 
It is gorgeous - and so much more practical than the other one. 
I mean, it has drawers! 
(Yes, that’s right - the old one had no drawers…)

The whole office/studio/sweatshop/workspace has really come a long way.

And though I know it won’t stay neat - I’m going to try to maintain a certain level of tidiness.

This is a great challenge for me as I am an inveterate packrat.

Never say never!

We are quite capable of surprising ourselves with our own resilient yet, malleable natures when it comes down to it.

Just keep your mind and spirit open to change - it’s that easy.
And don't forget to follow through...

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