Have you ever had that sinking feeling?
The feeling that the floor is dropping out from under you?
Or perhaps that the ground beneath you is shifting and that you are being subsumed by something beyond your control?
Or perhaps, simply, that you weren’t in control?
I have been experiencing all of this - yes, all of this - over the course of the last couple of years - and it could have been avoided.
You see -
I’ve said it!
I’ve not wanted to admit it but - I bought a desk chair about 5 (could be 7) years ago and the hydraulic lift never really worked properly.
Well - it worked well enough until - the warranty ran out.
And then, as if it actually understood expiry dates - at a certain point after outliving its warranty, it began to lose its ability to lift; the only function it had, it lost.
I continued to pretend that it was not that much of a problem - but in reality, the necessity of constant interaction with the chair made the fact of its disfunction even more acute.
In other words - having to constantly raise the seat was driving me insane!
Now - I ‘subscribe’ to many catalogues and various publications online from which I receive updates, etc - and among these various ‘publications’ (advertisement circulars, really) is one, Staples!
And so! I received 2 notifications of a sale; one, in the form of a flyer, and the other, in the form of an email. They both talked about the ‘great chair sale’!
I needed a new chair.
There was a sale.
I thought I should participate.
I did.
I enlisted my neighbour to help me with my task - but he has an aversion to walking and thought he agreed to help in the end, it meant a car ride to a much more distant store - to another town more or less.
I bought the chair (along with some coffee) and it’s being delivered this week.
As I write this, I am constantly sinking and having to raise the seat of the malfunctioning chair I bought - Yea, those many years ago.
I am waiting with baited breath for this beautiful new chair to arrive on Wednesday. Until then - I hope to God I can bear one more minute with this insanity(well, it’s been a few years already - what’s a few more days…….?)
Grrr! Argh!
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