Oh, yes! It was bound to happen. A day would come when there would really-o, truly-o, not be enough time to do justice to this poor little blog - at least on a daily basis.
Well, that day has come.
I was so caught up in the birthday business of my partner, that I completely forgot (well, almost forgot) about getting this done - and if it happened to enter my mind for the briefest of seconds, it was quickly ‘put out’ by the necessities of preparing everything for this special, ‘day of days’.
Laugh if you will, but birthdays, like them or not, must be acknowledged - even if we don’t want them to be.
By marking them, everyone gets a chance to place themselves within the context of an astronomical/astrological calendar, and make note of the speed at which they too, are passing through the universe on this little blue marble. At least - I see it that way.
All of that is to say, that during this very busy day, I did not find time to sit down here and write something ‘fabulous’ - but then - - - ‘fabulous’ happens so rarely.
On top of all the ‘birthday’ business (and the printer problems I noted yesterday - which caused me endless hours of anxiety and stress), I had the impossible task of packing a suitcase for our trip to NYC tomorrow. Yes, yes, yes. You might think that’s funny too - but you wouldn’t if you were me. You see, I’ve lost a lot of weight over the last few years (I understand that losing weight slowly over time, is the only way to lose weight and keep it off) and just about everything I own, excluding shirts (for shirts can be folded at the waist and tucked in), is far too big for me - all my pants, all my suits - well, you get the idea. This creates a dilemma.
I have so many clothes that for a single, foolish moment in time, I actually thought I’d never have to buy another article of clothing (foolish me!) for the rest of my life. I forgot about changing fashion - and the odd feeling of being ‘out of fashion’ - but on top of that - I never counted on my body actually changing shape; that I might actually lose weight, keep it off, and find myself without a wardrobe! At all!
This is where I find myself now - out of time. For it’s too late to shop for a trip that begins tomorrow morning.
I will dress myself as well as I can over the next (birthday) week, and - perhaps - there might be a thing or two I find in the Big Apple that I will be able to add to a sorely depleted wardrobe - having lost at least 30 pounds - I’d say, I deserve it!
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