Tuesday, May 29, 2012

From 2 Hours to 5 1/2 Hours - What!?


Okay, I never say that - but - OMG!

I’m exhausted.

The instructions for my beautiful new desk (which is now assembled with some help) said it would take 1 hour and 59 minutes - or something stupid like that.

For curiosity’s sake - I set a timer for 2 hours. Just to see.

When the timer had ticked through its allotted time - I was nowhere near finished and I knew I had quite the little haul ahead of me.
In fact - another 3 1/2 hours!  How's that for being overly optimistic on the old instruction front!?


I should have known it took longer than that because my partner bought the same exact desk - and I put that one together as well - and not in 2 hours.

Anyway, our super helped me lift the glass top and place it as one of the final steps.

I’m exhausted and must go.


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