Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tag, This Is It!

I would like you to think back to the time when you were a child and ‘yard games’ were played frequently in the Summer - and perhaps the Winter, depending on the conditions (did anyone play Fox & Geese in the Winter other than our little set!?).

There were so many to choose from, really. Firstly, there was The Farmer in the Dell, for the very young and then, Simon Says and Red Rover were others for a slightly older child perhaps. 
Tag was one that could stretch across a number of years - I suppose some of the others could as well, when it gets right down to it. 
Then there were the ‘older’ games: Kick the Can, or Hide and Seek, and let’s not forget Sardines - if played outside, at night, they required participants who were not sent to bed when the sun went down, meaning somewhat older children were involved.

But the game I want to talk about now is tag, for it is that ‘touch’ of being ‘it’ that concerns me at the moment. 
For example, what exactly constituted being ‘it’? How hard did one have to be tagged to become ‘it’? Was it necessary to touch skin in order to be ‘it’? Did a light brushing of the ‘tagged one’s clothing’ constitute an ‘it’?

I am here to tell you, ‘yes!’. And ‘Yes!’ again. 
Because the contact, no matter how trivial or insignificant it might have seemed, should have been deemed a tag - though there may have been disputes over just this matter. 
If the fingers of the ‘tagee’ sensed their nerve endings coming in contact with anything other than each other - then it was a successful tag! 
A hit! 
 The job had been done! 
 Without Question!

Why, you ask, am I making so much out of nothing? How does this have any bearing on anything at all I’m trying to do here? And why, if you’re bothering to say anything at all, you’re not doing it more fully!?

Well, the answer is - I’m still sick! And I have decided (in my great wisdom) once and for all, that any writing I do on a daily basis on this blog, whether it appears worthy of public consumption or not, is enough to keep me from having skipped a day - in other words - I fulfill the promise to myself to write something every day for a year, no matter how ridiculous or unworthy. 
 I’ve said it. 
 This counts too.

And like the game, this day has been tagged, thank you very much!

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