It’s Monday, the 2nd day of my week and already I’m behind, pressed for time, and empty-headed - well, as far as ideas for an entry go. Actually, the lack of time is what it’s really about - I’ve got lots of ideas but I haven’t got the time to really chose one and get it down - because it’s Monday - and Monday means ballet.
I’ll be leaving soon and I’ve got a few things to do before hand and so - this is pretty much a sorry excuse for not getting on this earlier - but I was busy! And now, I’ve no time. What to do, what to do!?
I can but hope that tomorrow will bring something more meaty than this.
I think that part of the problem is the realization that to do justice to each day, much more time must be spent - and not only that - the idea of ‘knocking one out of the park’ every day, is an awfully tall order even for a seasoned writer, I suspect. I should be content for making the effort to write every day, no matter how little or how trivial, and work towards becoming more of an athlete at it - practice, practice, practice - and with the fullness of time, who knows - I might improve (in my own fashion…)!
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