I don’t have time right now to do this story justice so I’ll just skim it and come back another day to ‘do it up all proper like’.
I was strolling through Facebook and came across a group that I was added to by an old high school friend - Facebook can be incredible that way - but that’s another story all together.
This particular group consists of people who grew up in the same town - in my case, Durango, Colorado - and much of ‘the page’ revolves around nostalgic remembrances - and that is as it should be since the page is titled something like, “You Are From Durango If You Remember” - or something like that.
Anyway, it’s not a page I frequent but today, I decided to drop in and see what was happening. As I scrolled through the many topics, I came across one that stood out immediately - it was about a tent show that came to town and stayed for one glorious Summer. The show they did was Oklahoma!, and for me, it was magical. I hung out there all the time - or as often as I could, since I was only about 10 or 11, I think.
All the cast were very nice but the woman who played Ado Annie, was a bit reserved. I realize now that she was not reserved at all but rather, had a very, very dry wit. Regardless of her demeanour, she too became very friendly and through the course of the Summer, I got to know her an eentsy bit better - and she was terrific as Ado Annie.
As it turned out, this was Penny Marshall who was attending the University of New Mexico (I think), and she’d taken this job doing Summer theatre, in Durango.
There is more to this story, but unfortunately, I’ve got work today as we have guests coming tonight.
Yes, I think I’ll retell this tale, when time permits, and spin it out a bit - how’s that!?
I think you’ll like it…
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