Friday, April 20, 2012

It Must Be the Kryptonite!

I know, this is beginning to sound like the Memoirs of an Invalid - but I can't help it! I suppose I could leave entries such as this one out, but really, this blog is not about politics, it’s not about religion, or current events (necessarily), or any of a host of other topics - this blog is about - well - me! And what I think/thought, feel/felt, believe, believed (Santa?), etc - right down the line - and at the moment, I am Samson without the hair. Of course, I didn’t actually have a lot to begin with but you know what I mean.

Anyway, I ate early yesterday evening, took in a movie as well, and was in bed at a more than decent hour for a very good night’s sleep - so what gives? This morning I woke up feeling like I’d been hit by a mack truek, completely run over, gutted. If this is what 8 hours of sleep does for me, no thank you, I’ll go back to my usual 6 or so.

I haven’t a clue what could have caused it - but I did think that, as the morning wore on, I’d gain momentum and be hopping around in no time - this did not happen. 
By 12:30pm, I was still dragging myself around wondering what on earth… But then, it occurred to me - it is nothing earthly - I must have been exposed to kryptonite - I mean, I’ve been working out like a demon or, rather, like a Superman, and the only known thing to bring him down is of course, the big ‘K’ - so that must be it - or some form of it that I did not know would affect me so. 
I’m wondering if it might be curry…

I had a curried ham salad last evening - does curry have any properties that might make one feel fatigued and run down, I wonder.

At any rate, mid-afternoon rolled around and I thought that a trip to the gym, even though I was completely devoid of energy, would perhaps get the juices flowing - so off I trotted.

50 minutes of cardio later, I gasped and wheezed my way off the treadmill and began a seriously vigorous bout of weight-training - including the dreaded pull-ups - and (though I am not particularly young) yes, I can do them - so there.

One and a half hours later, I emerged from the gym feeling much the same as I did when I entered - completely run down - only now, I was soaked with sweat. Lovely.

We’re planning an outing tonight - I hope I make it through.

If not, blame it on the kryptonite - and you can call me ‘Clark’…

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