Okay, instead of getting down to business here, I thought I’d first ‘fix’ the date and time on my phone - a land line. I noticed awhile back that it seemed out of synch and was in need of an adjustment - I don’t know how it happened but somehow, both the date and time were way off.
You’d think this would be an easy thing to do but first I had to locate the manual. Because I save everything under the sun and especially operating manuals, I knew it was around here somewhere.
First I searched in the most logical place - the place where I keep such things but my search was fruitless and I was slightly flummoxed by this - because on that front, I’m very organized - sort of…
I then looked in every other place it might be and the clock ticked on - the manual was not found. This was turning into more of an ‘event’ than I’d anticipated. I went back to the original location and did a more thorough search - the manual was found - I knew it had to be there. But in the meanwhile, a chunk of time had slid away.
Once I located the information necessary to adjust the date and time, I set right to it - but a funny thing happened right after I’d corrected it. The clock seemed to continue moving ahead after I’d ‘saved’ the correct settings. Instead of being 5:10pm, the clock began jumping ahead erratically - first individual minutes ticked by, like a stop watch, and then it jumped in 5 minute increments. This was bewildering. I reset it a number of times but the clock kept leaping ahead.
I searched through the manual for a possible solution under ‘Troubleshooting’ but obviously, this was not an anticipated flaw. I took the battery out and tried resetting the whole thing once again but to no avail - the clock would not hold the current time.
Now, from time to time, I’ve encountered technical problems with printers, cameras, desktops, the whole gamut - and usually a solution is eventually found - it may be frustrating in the process of finding it but there is a great deal of satisfaction felt when I arrive at the answer - somehow, I have a feeling this is a battle I will not win. I’ve tried everything I could think of but the time will not be held.
I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but when trying to determine the time of someone’s call when you’ve been out, I get readings with the wrong times and sometimes the wrong day - this is frustrating.
I’m going to give it one more shot - and if this doesn’t work - I might have to buy a new phone.
But for now, I think I’ll just relax - it’s Sunday afternoon - and I’m taking the day off…
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