I make the rules.
These are the rules (for me):
If I cannot tell an entire story every day - at least I can make the effort to put something down on the ‘page’; and this is it.
I’ve got a cold/flu thingy going on and I should be in bed ((I’ll be there momentarily).
But it was ‘Easter’ today and that meant some amount of effort needed to be put out - even though I could easily have stayed in bed all the day long - well, that’s not exactly true.
I cannot stand to be in bed when I am sick.
I used to love the idea of staying in bed all the morning long and even into the afternoon, if permitted.
I vaguely recall a few Sundays, when living in New York, when almost the entire day was spent in bed - with the NYTimes of course; lots of reading and the crossword puzzle - oh! the crossword puzzle! In ink, of course. What else?
But nowadays, I can’t stand to stay in bed just lolling about doing nothing - even if I am sick.
I always feel much better if I get up, shave, shower, and get the ‘show on the road’, as it were. It makes me feel like, I might be sick - but I’m not dead.
Anyway - today, I could have stayed in bed - but as I said, it was Easter - and there were things in the kitchen that needed doing.
We’re not really all that religious… Who am I kidding - I’m not a believer at all - but because of the repetitive nature of the tradition being foisted upon me year after year as a child, I have become somewhat inured to it and yet, repeat certain aspects of it, routinely - these repetitive behaviours centre themselves mostly around the trappings of such a ‘holiday’ - such as the ham, the scalloped potatoes, etc. It’s the same with Christmas - I love the tree, the turkey, etc. - but as for the rest - I might as well be celebrating Saturnalia.
Anyway, anyway - I should have been in bed today, resting - but instead, I was up and at ‘em -watering plants, folding clothes, and preparing the ‘Easter’ dinner, as I said.
All of this was quite taxing and time consuming, for it seems I tend to work more slowly when I am ill - who’d a thought!?
It has now all been done - and it was good, even if I do say so myself. The ham was superb - the scalloped potatoes far surpassed those of last year, and the year before that, and the year before that; the curried fruit = spectacular! What can I say - I’m a genius in the kitchen.
To bad I’m not a genius with the rest of my life - if I were, I’d have ordered out and been in bed hours ago - waiting for the arrival of - the Easter Bunny!?
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