Today had that bright, warm, feeling of promise about it that the Spring Saturdays of my youth once had. I don’t know if it’s just a sense of optimism or whether there really is a change in the air at this time of year that makes you able to breath in so fully as to give you a sense of the renewal of life - or maybe it’s just me. I suppose that wouldn’t hold true for those with allergies or other air-borne ailments - but even they couldn’t deny the beautiful brightness of the sky - and it is Spring.
Really, the whole sense of the day is quite incongruous with my current state of well-being, given that it’s far from ‘well’. Bright though it has been, the early part of the day was spent dragging myself around as if I’d run a marathon without having trained and with the addition of some heavily weighted object sitting on my chest. I suppose this is where the indomitability of the spirit weighs in, for though I have felt quite low, physically - I have been rather cheerful.
Maybe that’s because the coughing hasn’t quite taken hold yet - and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it won’t (please!).
From my window, I can see the first light shadings of green beginning to form at the treetops and this too, is an encouraging sign of better days ahead, weather-wise, and hopefully in all ways.
It’s funny how the onset of each season causes a certain reaction within my heart - of the four, I don’t think there is a single one that I don’t anticipate with a certain excitement - even at this age. I grew up in a place that had all four seasons and they were quite distinct - not too much slurring of the shoulder seasons but regular and clear - as if there were a minder of the calendar and promptly at the appropriate time, the changeover would begin.
I suppose that once we are well-immersed in Winter, I am prone to be looking for its end - the February/March period is not my fave. But it is past now and we are in April and April means more sun, warmer days, and lots of things beginning to grow - this pleases me enormously and I look forward to Spring in full bloom, while still managing to enjoy this moment. If I could just shake this cold…
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