Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Biscotti A Day Keeps - the Mixer Whirring.

I’m one of those people who gets taken in by all sorts of kitchen gadgetry - and though our kitchen is not necessarily over-burdened with gizmos - it does have it’s fair share. 
The thing about this minor obsession is that there are appliances I think I cannot live without and after a few uses, they wind up slowly making their way into storage - or at least out of sight. Who wants to be reminded of the pasta that’s not being made by that nifty machine?

One of these, “I Can’t Live Without!” items is the super-duper, Pro 600 Bowl-Lift Stand Mixer from Kitchen Aid. Now, I have to admit that before the actual purchase, there was much scepticism around our household, for we’d been down this road before (“Are you sure you need an indoor grill? I mean, will you use it?” “Of course I will - I can grill so many things…”) 
And truth be told, I wasn’t exactly sure what I would use it for - or how often.  I mean, I like to bake (a little) but we are not big pie, pastry, bread, etc. eaters - we’re just not - though we do eat a lot of pasta. 
But the decision was mine to make and off I trotted to pick one up - I hadn’t realized that along with the ‘Professional’functioning, there was also ‘Professional’ heft to the thing - it weighed a ton and I quickly realized I would not be carrying it home in a shopping bag; strolling along, looking in the windows, as I made my way home.

And it’s big. Really big.

But none of these things deterred me - and as soon as I got it home, I made my first loaves of bread; French bread, as a matter of fact - and they turned out surprisingly well - not to mention, quite tasty.

I thought, after that first foray into bread-making that this is what would be its ultimate purpose in my kitchen - but the ‘bread thing’ only lasted so long.  All the waiting for the dough to rise began to seem a bit, hhmm, tedious, I think is the word.

Next came cakes! Yes, I know, I said we don’t eat cakes - but that didn’t stop me from making them for dinner parties - and from giving them away - they always turned out so beautifully - I was beginning to feel quite professional about myself, in the home-baking realm.

But then, oh then, I discovered the biscotti. Now this was a consumable with legs! It started innocently enough. I’d been looking for a cookie recipe, or something, on “the internet and stumbled upon a fabulous biscotti recipe. I thought I’d give it a whirl. 
Well, with a little personal adjustment to the recipe, they turned out to be quite scrumptious - and a hit. 
I’d struck a vein of mixer functionality that was both simple and fun, not to mention quick.

I’ve become quite an expert at them at this point and have dabbled in creating my own recipes as well. In fact, I’ve just finished making another batch today. The biscotto is a simple pleasure because, though it is a dessert-like item, it is very, very low in calories and I make mine very small which does not necessarily mean you eat more of them - but if you do - you won't gain a ton.

Oh! And pizza dough - pizza dough is made quite regularly as well.  On Sundays - for Sunday is pizza day in this household - a new tradition - but a tradition all the same.

It seems that the mixer is now a staple in the kitchen and has become truly an appliance I could not live without - I like its appearance on the counter; bold and heavy.  There’s something masculine about it and that appeals to me immensely. 
In fact, it stays on the counter at all times now, unlike some of the other ‘ICLWs’ that have found homes in other parts of the kitchen or storage - like the juicer, or the pasta machine, or the grill…

But one day, one day - who knows!? I may find myself craving a juicy, grilled steak, with a side of linguini - and then - watch out - and clear me some counter space!

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