Wednesday, April 18, 2012

And What About Holidays? You Didn't Think of That!

Whilst pondering what, oh what, should I write about today, I thought a good topic would be an upcoming holiday - until it occurred to me - what do I do about this writing, this promise I made to myself to write daily, when I am away!?

Rule change! 
Holidays are excluded from writing! 
How easy was that!? 
Now, I’ll have no worries!

Except - I’m not sure I can live with that. 
Of course, I won’t actually ‘die’ if I don’t happen to write on the occasional day when I am away - but that’s really not the point - it’s not a physical ‘life and death’ situation, but rather a moral or ethical one, for it is the promise, the covenant I made with myself that suffers the deathly blow by the simple absence of writing. 
Would you want that on your conscience? I didn’t think so - and neither do I. 
So, the dilemma remains.

But how to resolve it? 
I know, by the sound of it, you would think that I were solving the problem of nuclear proliferation, given the grave tone and standard I’ve set. However, don’t be too hasty to judge. 
The fact is, we, each and every one of us, behaves more or less within the social standard of what is deemed acceptable behaviour by the society in which we live - and within that sphere, our own actions are further refined and circumscribed by a set of standards unique to our individual nature.

These attributes can be shared, of course, but the unique combination of what defines our sense of right and wrong, our moral and ethical sense, for the individual, is wholly our own. 
At least, that’s how it seems to me.

The interaction of individuals through a sense of duty to society at large is the tacit understanding, to aid our brethren, that raises the human spirit. We participate and give back - and hopefully, therefore, lead by example.

The only reason I mention all of this is because, if one is to lead by ‘example’, what sort of standard does it set to cavalierly skip a day or two of writing, when the compact made, was for 365 days? 
Because no one is harmed by my inaction, does it make it any less wrong? Or do 'I' suffer some harm by not fulfilling my commitment? If there are to be rules, shouldn’t one at least make every effort to follow them?

It may sound like ‘silly’ stuff - but how small does an ethical matter have to be to cease to be an ethical matter at all? Shouldn’t the standard be meted out equally over all dilemmas when weighing what action should be taken? 
When does a promise broken cease to have any sense of ‘promise’ about it? 
Before it was broken, because it was only a ‘small’ promise and therefore, doesn’t really ‘count’?

I don’t know. I don’t think so.

I guess this means I’m going to have to find a way to write while I’m away. Or maybe I should not have a holiday for the next year… Nay! That would never do.

I’m sure the universe will be generous and a solution will be found. There are still a couple of weeks yet.

I’m sure something will come up.
In the meanwhile, I'll just keep polishing my halo...

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