Saturday, April 21, 2012

…And Some Lived To Tell The Tale...

Facebook is a funny thing - a funny, strange, thing that provides one with the capacity to connect with one’s past, in so many ways, on so many levels, at various stages of one’s persona journey - provided that there are others throughout that journey that use Facebook as well.

This afternoon, I had the great joy of being ‘added to’/‘reunited with’ a ‘family’ to which I belonged during the latter half of the 1980’s when NYC was my home - that ‘family’ was the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, better known as GMHC, where I worked during some very difficult and yet, very rewarding years.

I know, it’s unfair to say only that and then leave it - but this is a topic that requires more time than I can give it at the moment - and I’m sorry for that - but I will make amends - I will finish this - properly - it deserves more than this…

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