You know, I really think we’re turning the corner - of Winter, that is. Today was a magnificent day and though I know, we all know, that it will not last, it has been a true harbinger of what is to come - ah, yes! the inevitability of Spring - you’ve got to love that.
I think it makes bearing the endless onslaught of pessimism, be it political or otherwise, a little easier - at least it does for me.
What I can’t to bear, at the moment, seems to be my own weight.
(Oh! - I also have a constant, if ‘mild’, case of hyperbole - so - grain of salt, people, grain of salt.)
About 3 years ago, before I’d lost another-30 odd pounds, my partner and I went to Hawaii on a holiday - I’d never been - he’d been at least once and perhaps, twice. Our first stop was to the colony on Molokai established by the Hawaiian Missionaries - and no, I do not mean in the philatelic sense but rather the Father Damien sense; it was everything you might imagine - breathtakingly beautiful, inherently sad, and finally, uplifting - my own ‘uplifting’ being carried out by a mule - for ‘mule-train’ is the only way in and out of the colony.
Anyway, two more islands were visited, the last being Oahu and I realized that I was born to be - in Waikiki! I loved it there; every morning I would rise early and head out for a walk up the side of Diamond Head. One morning, I discovered an outdoor gym with a pull-up bar, among other things, and I was hooked - a beautiful walk, a nice ‘little’ workout 3/4 of the way through, and a stop at Starbuck’s before heading home, coffee in hand - life couldn’t get any better - but it could get worse…
Speaking of walks, I think I mentioned that I had a rather lengthy one yesterday. What with the ballet class I had on Monday, and all the walking I did yesterday, I must say, I was feeling rather fatigued by the time Tuesday evening rolled around. Still, I went ahead and scheduled a make-up class for this evening.
About that make-up class - I wrote something about the holiday, Family Day, a week or so ago - since it falls on a Monday and my class is on Mondays, my class was cancelled as a result, and I had to schedule a make-up class, which I did - for this evening, like I said.
During yesterday’s walk, I noticed a little ‘twinge’, shall we say? In the calf/heel area of my right leg - nothing major, mind you - just slightly annoying.
When I awoke this morning and began my usual routine, I noticed the same ‘minor twinge’ but it did not seem particularly disabling and so I continued with the day and included a trip to the gym for an excellent weights session - Yes!
I was careful with the leg press, though I did not lessen the weight from 180 lbs - I mean, I saw no reason to.
I had a few errands to run as well and once again noticed that annoying little twinge. I guess in order to ‘notice’ it, there must have been something to bring it to my attention - and there was. Just the teeniest pain - which slowly grew…
But I think I was talking about Hawaii! And beautiful, wonderful, fabulous, Waikiki! Yay! So, we were having this great holiday and I’m working out like a demon every morning, up the volcano (slowly), down the volcano(quickly), pull-ups, push-ups, chin-ups - I’m turning into a workout machine - a real powerhouse - and I love it.
Now, to save room in my suitcase, I’d not brought a proper pair of workout shoes but instead, a pair of chintzy little shoes that are meant to be used in the water - like when you go to a stony beach and don’t want your feet all bruised - these were my workout shoes.
Oh, foolish, foolish me!
It wasn’t long before the lack of support, or the incorrect support began to create a problem. Damn! Just when I was getting all sort of, super-hero-ed-up.
But did I stop? Of course not!
And that is why I spent the next year with an inflamed Achilles tendon - my Achilles Heel, as it were. I’d never had an injury like that before and I can tell you, I don’t ever want to have one again (I’m not even going to begin to talk about my herniated disc - or my right rotator cuff…).
Because I had made such progress losing weight I just couldn’t quit working out altogether - but it took a lot of discipline to moderate my workouts and not push myself past the point of no return - I definitely did not want a ruptured Achilles and I had a feeling that that would have been the next level, were I to continue my mad routine, unabated. Luckily, I have a grain of sense or two - still, it took at least a year to return to ‘normal’.
So, yesterday, there I was, marching along in the (cold) sunshine, feeling quite buoyed by the prospect of the seasons changing when this little bit of irksomeness starts and casts a small but significant shadow over it all.
The fact that the ‘annoyance’ was perceptible today, made me ponder the wisdom of a ballet class - should I just ‘push through it’ or should I be SMART - and cancel?
I think you know the answer.
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