Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Afternoon, I'm Just Beginning to See (I got my hair cut...)

I might have mentioned before, this SAD thing - but if I haven’t - it’s the malady that, throughout the Winter months, just keeps on giving - the problem is, what it gives, I don’t want. As a result, there is some ‘raging against’ it - and sometimes I am successful. Of course, it always helps when there is more sun - like today.

Anyway, over the course of the last little while, I have found it more and more difficult to rouse myself from the stupor it so lavishly bestows upon me and this past week, was record breaking - in terms of getting things up and running, so to speak (I think there was at least one day on which I was having my breakfast at about 2:30pm. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I was sleeping - just completely catatonic and incapable of anything other than simply observing my surroundings - well, perhaps I exaggerate just a little.

At the weekend, I decided that the time had come to put an end to this nonsense, this SAD little moue of a malady and trounce it, once and for all (or at least until next Autumn) by making sure that activities began early enough in the day to kickstart all things physical, including the brain.

Consequently, my enthusiasm went into high gear, and though no drugs were involved, I went speeding around today, getting a million things done - okay, perhaps it was closer to 10 - but you get my point - I was a dynamo! Nothing could stop me - till now.

I’m almost spent and it’s only 6:46pm in the evening - granted, I woke up at an earlier hour than that, so there is a reason to feel so.

Among the many ‘achievements’ of the day, was a trip to my new barber, Enzo. As you can probably tell from his name, he’s Italian. My previous barber, though a really terrific guy, had a little of the Sweeney Todd in him whilst brandishing the straight razor and unfortunately, I left his establishment on more than one occasion with blood running down my neck from where he’d tried to remove one or both of my ears. I tolerated this far longer than I ought to have, but he was so nice - I always felt like I should give him one more chance - maybe it was a fluke.

The last time I saw him, he not only cut the skin where the ear joins the head on both sides, but then - then - he also cut my neck. I related this story to various people and the response was always the same - I should ditch that barber and get one with steadier hands. You see, it wasn’t just about the cutting - but the possibility of infection from that ridiculous razor - yes, yes, I know - they’re sterilized - but why take a chance? Particularly when you’re being cut as often as I was.

A neighbour introduced me to Enzo and it’s been a terrific bromance ever since. Not only doe he not cut me, but he does a damn fine job on my hair - bonus! And - since I study/speak Italian, I always get a great opportunity to use it outside of my lessons! Triple bonus! And no blood!

Continuing with the Italian theme, after running a few other errands, I came home and baked biscotti - orange with smoked almonds - and while waiting for the biscotti to bake, I noodled around at the piano.

Yes, for a SAD Tuesday, it seems to have been stellar.


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