When I woke up this morning I could see it was another one of those bright, bold, beautiful days - but this time, I was not deceived - I knew it would be colder than that well-known proverbial part of a sorceress and I was prepared for it - I made the brilliant decision not to go out (that lasted for most of the day - but necessity forced my hand toward the latter part of the afternoon and, begrudgingly, I skipped off into the wind).
Another thing I realized this morning was that Christmas was over. Yes, yes, I know - it’s March and not only is Christmas over but we’ve entered a new year.
Well, here’s the thing - being ever so slightly OCD, I have certain ‘things’ that are used at certain times of the year and no other - if it can be avoided. Take for example my collection of colognes; there are those suitable for a Summer’s day but would never do, say, in the midst of December - there are those meant for hot evenings and those for days like today - sunny but frigid - even some specifically used when a laborious task of some nature must be accomplished - and trivial though it may seem to you, there is thought put into the choice (and sometimes procrastination…). I’m not saying a great deal of time is spent in the process of choosing - just that a choice must be made each morning - or evening. Once it’s done, it’s on for the day, eh?
Another example: I have a small frying pan that’s meant only to cook an egg - it seems to me to have been specifically made for this purpose since it performs the job so well - but is probably just a regular old small frying pan (with a master chef at the end of its handle…) on which I have bestowed some OCD-like property (and it must never be used for anything else!).
But what I had let slip through my obsessive little hands these past few weeks, were the sheets -flannel sheets. Yes, the sheets! You see, they are Christmas coloured red & green; not patterned in anyway but solid; solid red for pillow cases (2) and duvet cover, and solid green for the sheets, pillow cases (again, 2), and 1 featherbed cover that is forest green (an almost match - drat!). Looking at them this morning I thought to myself that these should no longer be on the bed - they should have been removed at least a month ago and changed for something more transitional. How could I have missed this? I must have been sleeping or something.
Anyway, it was time - time to finally put the Christmas season to bed and start with something fresh.
Oh! Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t mean to imply that the sheets had not been washed (they had). NO! Just that they’d not been changed for another set. There. that’s better.
As strange as this may seem - it is a huge undertaking to do all this. I know - you wouldn’t think so. But the fact that the duvet and the featherbed must be wrestled from their covers and then put into new ones makes the task a little like lifting soft weights - and so unwieldily - I’ve never stuffed a pig in a bag but I imagine it’s something like that - only without all the oinking and wriggling. Well, there might be some grunting but that would be on my part - whew.
Here’s another OCD-like ‘thing’: The laundry is done ‘of a Sunday’ this is the rule and must never be broken - except in emergency situations - like the one in which I found myself today. I would have left it for tomorrow but all that flannel just would not fit into the hamper, no matter how much I tried to pack it down. The only thing I succeeded in doing was work up a sweat. I finally gave in - the sheets won - and they would be done - not of a ‘Sun.’, but rather, on this gloriously frigid Saturday - a perfectly good day for staying indoors!
Don’t forget to set your clocks back tonight!
(The thing about making a pact with yourself to write every day is that sometimes we scrape for a topic…)
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