I’m not really a strong believer in horoscopes - in fact, I’m probably not a believer at all. When I was younger and quite a bit more mystically inclined, I thought it was possible we were ruled by our stars - and I read my horoscope as if it were gospel. I still read it - but not so much for its ‘facts’ but for the possible inspiration it might give in setting the tone of the day. Of course, I usually forget about it the second my eye turns to something else in the paper - but still, read it, I do. And really, who’s to say whether, at the moment of each of our births, the alignment of the stars doesn't have some sort of gravitational pull that leads us to our fate, our destiny? The universe is a vast mystery, unsolvable by all.
But like I said - I’m not a dedicated devotee to astrology, by any means.
Still, there are qualities and traits specific to my sign that could not be more tailor-made had I chosen them myself - in fact, almost all the characteristics of my sign are strangely accurate. Take for example the fact that mine is a ‘water’ sign. I know it might seem silly - but I have a terrific affinity to water - especially the sea.
I know, I know - you might say, “Well, who doesn’t? Being a necessity, water is loved by most everyone.” - and you’d be right - up to a point. However, it’s more than that. If I could, I would live by the sea - or perhaps, in it. Oh, I’m not a great swimmer, by any means - in fact, hardly at all. But I thoroughly enjoy being in it - a lot. Most people who go to the beach, lie about on the sand for hours on end but only get in the water a couple of times to refresh themselves. Me? I’m not much good at lying on the beach - I spend all my time in the water - hours of it.
When we’re at the beach, I usually buy one of those inflatable mattresses and float about for hours - half the time, just hanging on to it with my body immersed in the water. I’ll start out close to the shore and just drift, letting the action of the sea pull me outwards. When I think I’ve gone far enough, I’ll turn sideways across it, put my goggles on and spend the next hour or so looking under the water and bobbing my head in and out of it. There is an exhilarating sense of freedom and life about this - silly though it may seem. After enough time has been spent, I’ll paddle myself back, close to shore, and start the whole process again - excellent!
When it’s finally time to emerge - I’ll shower off and spend 40 minutes or so in the sun before I am drawn back to the water - and during that 40 minutes, my attention, most likely, is on the sea from which I just emerged.
I can’t really explain it - the connection I have to the sea resonates somewhere deep within me and literally pulls me to it - it is like air to me - something beautifully natural, necessary, and I am moved by its never-ceasing rhythm, its waters pulled by by forces in the atmosphere - it is like the living, breathing, beating heart of eternity.
Perhaps my blood, my beating heart, is also affected by the same rhythms that move the mighty oceans - and that would put me one step closer to being a child of an astrological sign - but I cannot say.
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