Friday, March 30, 2012

La Dolce Vita!

I’ve just come back from the grocery store. I had to pick up a couple of things and decided on making green peppers as a side dish to accompany the fish I’m cooking. I was trying to figure out something that would appeal and as I passed through the vegetables, the green peppers called out to me - in Italian.

Years ago, I had the great privilege of working in Rome, teaching English as a second language. I will not go into that right now, but suffice it to say that many adventures were had and, no doubt, some of them will inevitably be recounted here. But right now, I want to talk about the peppers.

Because I taught in a language school, my students ranged in age from about 12 to well over that and most of them were quite fond of me, ‘the American’ - and eventually it occurred that I would be invited to one home or another for dinner. The meals were always spectacular and each one could be used for an entry here - but I won’t do that.

On one occasion, one of my students, a young man whose family lived in the country outside Rome, invited me to their home for just such an evening. We were picked up at the end of the day, by his mother (quite the chain-smoker) and driven, for what seemed hours, to a lovely spot in the Alban Hills, home of Castelli Romani.

My hosts were more than generous in making me feel, not just welcomed but, a part of their family - not an easy thing to do for most. The food was exquisite - it was simple fare but made lovingly by practiced hands. One of the items served was this simple dish of green peppers. They had been fried in olive oil until soft, and then, once cooked, had been left to sit in yet more olive oil to marinate. I cannot tell you how wonderful they were. I’d never had anything like them before and they were so simple.

I’ve made them on occasion myself but it’s been years since I’ve done so. For some reason, when I saw those beautiful green peppers in the store, I remembered the dish and decided to make them.

I’m hoping they will taste as delicious as I remember them.

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