I’d considered starting one of the ‘Tales’ today but it’s not going to happen - it requires more time than I have at the moment. You see, it was a beautiful day today and I just couldn’t stay indoors - at least, not all day. The first half (not all of it) was spent in pursuit of the ‘body beautiful’ and, a bit like the butterfly of song, it is elusive - though valiant efforts are made daily to capture it - I know it’s there somewhere…
After having completed a rather lengthy session, I returned home to find the apartment in transition - from dirty to clean - and I hied myself to the piano for some work - I lasted a good hour or so betore the heat and the beauty of the day began to tug at my feet - I found reasons to quit practicing and head out into the world. There were streets to explore! There were moth balls to buy! Orange peel and Lemon peel as well! (This will be for biscotti) And it was glorious (if still not quite as warm as I’d expected - but it is March, after all.)!
By the time I headed home again, I was a tad weary and looking forward to sitting down (oh! My aching back!) right here in front of the computer and getting on with it - but I realized that it was really too late to be only starting on something I expected to complete in an hour - so no ‘Tale’ will be told today.
But I’ll leave you with this:
Given that it’s March and we’re swiftly moving into a Spring that promises to be warmer and longer than we are accustomed to, I have found myself fixated on a song from a cd given to me a couple of years ago - I’m actually attempting to learn the lyrics (good luck with that one!). It is by Antonio Carlos Jobim and is called Aguas de Março (Waters of March) - if you’ve never heard it, give it a listen; if you have - revisit it - it’s perfect for this time of year. And you can thank me later…
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