This is going to be so short as to possibly not even count as a ‘writing’ - but since I’m here and ‘doing it’ at all - it must count. Once again, I’d been searching through my half-empty mind trying to find a suitable subject to write on, but due to extreme fatigue (I woke up at 4:00am this morning, okay!?) I became distracted and ended up googling a million other things instead. It’s funny how rabbit-holey things can get when one becomes engrossed in the pursuit of the absolutely useless. Still, there was work done and the mind was not idle - this, I do not regret.
I could have sworn I dipped my head into the internet portal for just a moment but now, close to an hour later, I realize - much more time has passed. In fact, pretty much all the time I had left to do this writing - and this, I do regret.
I suppose it just emphasizes for me the necessity of putting together a ‘bag-o-topics’ into which I might reach (when bereft of ideas) and hoist one out to be foisted upon you. Clearly the ‘flying by the seat of my pants’ thing, doesn’t always work. I mean, I can’t just show up here, sit down, and think that I’m going to write for an hour on a topic I haven’t yet chosen - I mean, really. That I have not yet developed a source from which to draw - I regret.
Oh - and I’ve pretty much decided that unless I’m working on a story/vignette, an hour is pretty much the allotted amount of time I have to give - it might seem like a large enough quantity of time to you, but there have been days when I’ve found myself having to ‘wrap it up’ in order to get on with other pressing needs. That I have but an hour and cannot compose/create/complete a thought in the allotted time, is more than reason to regret.
And of course, I do myself no favours in cutting short a piece of work, for it forces me to condense, and perhaps destroy, the impact the piece may have had were I to allow it to reach its natural conclusion - but there are obligations that must be met. This too could be considered a regret - not the obligations but the shortening.
As a solution, I suppose I could extend a piece over a couple of days - but I don’t think that would give me the same sense of satisfaction I derive from having blown a perfect word-bubble in one sitting - lengthier items should be left for another blog - one I don’t have - yet… The fact that I complete a piece each day, I do not regret.
If I were to be more ‘aware’ or 'in the moment' in regards to the fact that this writing must occur each day, I might actually make the time before I got here, to mull over a theme or two - this would be a great help - unfortunately, I’m not always thinking about this, am I? That’s not so much something to regret as it is to fix.
What I know is this: I will continue; I’ll get better at it; and whatever necessary time adjustments must be incorporated to fulfill the obligation I’ve made to myself, will be done - and there will be no songs unsung - there will be: no regrets.
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