Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oh, Your Sweet and Shining Eyes, Are Like the Stars Above______?

Well, now I see that not only is this going to be the place where I put out bits of completed writing as well as more journal-like entries - but it is about to serve as a place for me to think, in a way that is not quite like journalling - so please excuse me while I think.

I’ve decided that today, I will put down a few ideas, that will hopefully turn into sketches all revolving around one character - anyway, that’s the idea at the moment. I’m not putting them in any particular order - and I’m not numbering them - nor will I detail too much - it will just be a way to get them all together and see how many there are and whether I might need more - or whether they are suitable at all. Enough of the intros! Let’s get started!

The first up, could be the Tale of the Horse and could make one of a trilogy of stories revolving around a mountain quest. In this tale the protagonist convinces a party of riders to set out on an adventure to ‘conquer’ the mountain and attain the peak - of course, there would be consequences.

The 2nd, The Tale of the Bone, I think might actually be the first in the series, and involves the same protagonist but a different set of characters and circumstances wherein the protagonist is abandoned and left to return from the wilderness on his own - the goal however is the same - the taking of the mountain.

In the 3rd, and final instalment of the trilogy, The Tale of the Eagle, the protagonist, though having already lead 2 ill-fated expeditions, manages to corral the same group of characters and , dubious though they be, convinces them once again to follow him.

These are very simply stated but will be enough of a reminder for me to begin writing. Though a trilogy, they will not follow one and other consecutively but will be interspersed with other stories as well.

Another tale or two will incorporate The Tale of the Nights In the Woods - these need to be fleshed out as they haven’t really got stories to them yet… (except for the party that splits off in the night and encounters and confronts possible death on all sides.

Of course, one cannot possibly be in the Wild West without a barroom brawl or 2 - and these too shall be included as The Tales of the Brawls.

There will be one dedicated to The Tale of the Fall, and will deal with the misguided youth who was not a mountain climber - I think you get the picture.

There will be another that talks about The Tale of the Snow - this will be either the final chapter or the penultimate, depending on how this thing goes.

Though I’ve got one more or less done, there may very well be another Tale of the River - or 2 even - at least one will be about celebrity - I know, that seems strange, right? Well, it is but it could be a good one.

Maybe, time permitting, I could even begin working on one of these soon - like tomorrow, perhaps. We’ll just have to see how the day shakes down - this one is down - and almost done - so I’m off!

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