I’ve just returned from an epic walk - at least, it feels that way. I’d love to sit and chat awhile but there isn’t time for that today, I’m afraid. We left here some 3 1/2 hours ago, took the tram across town to it’s penultimate stop, and then walked - all- the - way - back -home.
I spent 35 minutes on the treadmill this morning as well so, I’m slightly spent and not only do I not think I have the strength to write something - but I haven’t the time either!
In total, it was probably about a 10K walk - this may not seem like much - but for one unaccustomed to that high a figure, it is monumental - and I feel it - all over.
There! I know it sounds like a poor excuse - but it’s almost 6:00pm and I’ve got other ‘stuff’ to do.
Look - I’m making the effort to put something down and this is it - thin though it be.
I just can’t break the promise to myself this early and not write anything - I’ve only been doing this about a month.
I think a whole rejigging of the schedule will have to be done…
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