Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hi! My name is Gym! What's Yours?

This could be the shortest entry to date, now that I've made the effort to write every day, and - since I’m running out of time. I found that playing the grasshopper during the early part of the day made the latter part a bit more frenetic. 
 I’d intended on doing more at the gym than I did, but at least I went - yesterday I was a no show and I feel my appearances there have been ‘spotty’ of late - it’s not quite like having to reacquaint myself with the facilities - but almost.

What I’d really like to mention is yesterday's post - I may not have gotten to the gym - but I did write a short story - or a vignette, if you will. I’m quite pleased about it because that was not what I had in mind to begin with. 
 Originally, I was just trying to escape the noise of work that was occurring in the house and fled, iPad & keyboard in hand to the den for a little quiet writing. 
 Since I’d already decided not to go to the gym, it seemed a perfect time to fulfill my obligation to blog! But what to write about? I’d been pondering the possibility of a ‘little’ story but wasn’t sure about it and just began writing.

The story I had in mind was not the one I wrote - no, I’d considered something else but thought, as an introduction to the character upon which the ‘real’ story was to be based, it might be nicer to create a little pre-story or, more like it, another example of his deeds in order to demonstrate certain qualities.

Well, as it turned out, the story just sort of kept rolling out and the entire afternoon was spent completing it. I was quite proud of myself, I must say - given that I’d no intention of doing that.

Now, I’m kind of thinking that I should do it more often, sort of build up a number of these little vignettes and see where they lead me. Why not? What have I got to lose, eh?

I don’t imagine I can do it every day (though I’d like to) because at the moment, I’m not sure I’ve got the wherewithal - for now, I’ll just continue making sure I get something written here on a daily basis and if sometimes that happens to be a short story, all the better. I think I hear the dinner bell being rung...

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