Wednesday, February 29, 2012

That Which Remains - On Wednesday

I am exhausted! So tired am I that I don’t think I can click another key - my fingers are weary to the bone - not to mention my legs (neck, shoulders, arms torso, etc) - I am physically fatigued.

Here’s the thing - have you ever wondered about the residual effects of things - or how long something stays with us? 
 I mean, for example - ‘they’ say that if you swallow gum, it takes seven years to leave your system. 
 And Marijuana? Depending on how often you use (or abuse) it, it could be up to 2 months. 
 And what about alcohol? Of course, it depends on the amount consumed, what you’ve eaten, your body weight, and other such factors - but in general, after a ‘good’ Friday night out - you can expect it to remain in your system for a good ten hours - that’s a lot of time. 
 What about something as innocuous as olive oil? Or any number of food stuffs we consume on a daily basis? How much of what we take in remains in our systems and for how long?

This is me just ‘throwing’ things out there; questions that really don’t require an answer because, truth be told, I don’t really care.

No, I’m more concerned at the moment about what chemicals the body itself produces and how long they remain in the body - or are they just continuously manufactured?

This is why I ask:

So, I had yet another ballet class on Monday and it was a good one. I’d done a weight routine earlier in the day but forewent the cardio, as I knew I’d be doing plenty of that in the class later. 
 In fact, I do a regular workout every day; weights 3 times per week and cardio just about every day. 
 I’ve now been attending my ballet class every Monday since about the 9th of January and I have yet to experience the days following the Monday evening class, free from fatigue - that is, at least until Wednesday. 
 So! It makes me wonder - what chemicals is the body producing that require so much recovery time!? 
 I’d never really thought about it before but surely there is lactic acid produced - and perhaps a host of other, similar chemicals that require the body be given rest in order to rid itself of them, or absorb them, or do whatever it does with them.

It’s funny because after the first couple of lessons I couldn’t understand why I was so ‘run down’ on the Tuesday and Wednesday following the class - it didn’t occur to me that I was actually experiencing some sort of fatigue (It would appear that more than just the body is affected by age as well!) 
 Finally, just the other day, I managed to connect the dots and thought, “It’s Wednesday and I’m worn out because my body has not had sufficient time to recover from the ballet class before being challenged with more weights and cardio! Eureka!”. 
 Okay, so it wasn’t that dramatic - in fact it was a blip on the radar. And though it’s less than compelling, it is one of those things that one might think about whilst waiting for the tram, or bending to tie one’s shoes, more likely.

What this really is about is just making sure that I fill the time; that I keep the promise to myself that I write every day - even if I haven’t a topic worthy of writing about - just keep it going. It’s good practice.

I mentioned the other day that I would like to start the ‘cookie jar’ thing - I think this would be a good idea - as long as I remember to fill the cookie jar with ideas at some point!

Until then, I’ll just have to get by with these flimsy bits of thought.

There! We’re done (in)!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesdays Are Good For All Sorts of Things! Even Tasty Bites!

28 February, 2012 9:20 PM

I’ve been using the MacJournal for some time now, and though I’ve never learned the application well enough to consider myself fully proficient in its functionality, I, at the very least, thought I had a grasp of its basics - funnily enough - it turns out - I don’t. I’ve had a few issues with it over the last couple of weeks that, if not trying my patience, have at least caused me some distress. I won’t go into them now because that’s not why I’m here - no, I’m here to say ‘Happy Tuesday’ to you all! (It’s probably just me I’m talking to - but I’m a willing recipient for a happy greeting - if indeed, the only one.) The main thing I’d like to mention is the HOTB (The hour of the blog), as its lateness disturbs be. I really do need to become more proficient about selecting a topic and directing my energies towards expressing it rather than this random, late night, blobbering - for it does not satisfy the ‘need’ to be doing this. Basically, what I’d like this to be is a ‘practice’ at writing by the act of writing - learning from my mistakes - but I need to concentrate my thoughts on one subject and let that serve for each nights writing. Okay - I’ve just hit on it (maybe); years ago, when I first met ‘TLOML’ (The Love of My Life), I introduced what I thought would be something fun (since we both liked (and like) to write); we would each take 5 or so slips of paper and write on them, a theme, a topic, or a phrase, which we would then mix up in a hat, as it were, draw from it a single slip , and then spend the next 2 (or was it 5? perhaps 10!?) minutes writing on that particular subject - an excellent exercise - but not performed frequently enough and eventually falling into disuse - pity, for it actually worked. I could do something of that nature here - perhaps create a jar in which I throw the ‘odd’ idea and when I am completely bereft of things to write about, reach into the proverbial cookie jar and pluck out an ort that could perhaps be turned into a tasty morceau. Who knows? It could be the start of a trend. Only time will tell. (cliches can be pretty much okay, eh!?)

Monday, February 27, 2012

One Quick Word - I was here - and I wrote - perhaps not enough to be considered an entry - but I made the effort.  I had a ballet class tonight and it was tough - but I made the effort.  I didn't want to go to the gym this afternoon - but I did and it too was tough - because I made the effort.  I didn't want to get up this morning (this SAD thing sucks) - but I did - all because of the effort.  I didn't want to go to bed  - because I was awake - but I am going - because I'm going to make the effort.  Tomorrow morning, I'm getting up early - enough of this nightly nonsense - eh!?  I need to get up in the morning - early.  And with that in mind - Good night, to one and all!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

This has been an excellent Sunday - a bit of working out - the usual laundry*, a fabulous pizza creation - and - on top of all that - the Oscars!  Yes, it’s true - for the first time in our history of being in this house - we had dinner in front of the television, watching the Oscars - what fun!  Well, actually - it was fun - we’d do it again in a heartbeat - just not on Sunday - and not so late at night - it’s late, now - which brings me to my point:
Never write when it’s far too late - you’ll only end up 'owning' what you write, later (Lessons from the Hard Way.).
Oh!  And here’s a new word, thought up, spontaneously in the course of conversation,  by our friend, Gilles:  Dramastically  - when everything goes so far off the rails that a simple fix is not possible but a major intervention is needed.  Thanks for that!  Hello!  And Good Night!
(*See the previous Sunday’s entry…)

Sunday, February 26th, First day of the 9th Week of the year


This has been an excellent Sunday - a bit of working out - the usual laundry* (*See the previous Sunday’s entry…), a fabulous pizza creation - and - on top of all that - the Oscars! Yes, it’s true - for the first time in our history of being in this house - we had dinner in front of the television, watching the Oscars - what fun! Well, actually - it was fun - we’d do it again in a heartbeat - just not on Sunday - and not so late at night - it’s late, now - which brings me to my point:

Never write when it’s far too late - you’ll only end up owning it later (Lessons from the School of Hard Knocks!)

Oh! And here’s a new word, thought up, spontaneously in the course of conversation, by our friend, Gilles: Dramatsically, or dramastically - when everything falls so far of the rails that a simple intervention is not possible but major ‘surgery’ is involved. Thanks to all that! Hello! And Good Night!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Come Saturday Morning - or is it Sunday?

Roads are paved, intentions are laid, and though it may seem as if a new day has begun (granted, it is as dark as midnight, presently), we are writing on Saturday night - for there has been a continuation of the day started hours before.  The onus of owning the name of the day during which a continuous wakeful state occurs, surely belongs to the morning on which one awakened.  In other words - some may call this Sunday - I, for reasons revolving around a certain commitment made (and honoured) to write here every day, consider this still to be Saturday - get the picture?  Yes, it’s ‘late’ Saturday night - but I am here!  Unfortunately, I have nothing to say at the moment, other than to say - I am tired - exhausted, really - and therefore - I’m going to bed!  Good Night!  (Is this a ‘cheat’ of an entry?  I don’t know…)

Friday, Friday, Gotta Get Down On Friday - We So Excited...

Okay - not to be a complete stick in the mud - but exactly when did I enter my dotage? - for surely, that must be the place, the era, stage in life, in which I reside - there can but be no other explanation for the pace at which my life is lived - or observed. Somewhere along the line, I must have made a conscious (or perhaps, not so conscious) decision to ‘retire’ as it were and reflect on the vast amount of experience I managed to cram into the stages before. It’s interesting that those who, within the confines of a religious order or environment, choose to remove themselves from the world, in order to gain a higher state of spirituality, basically ‘retire’ from that world - I guess there’s not much difference between me and the monk next door (although - there really isn’t a monk next door - I don’t think…). That was meant figuratively, though I do think I live in a somewhat rarified world. Though no vows were taken, I have retreated somewhat. The origin of this retreat must have occurred some time ago for, in my own mind, it seems to have been always thus - more or less. That being said, I do remember a time in my life when even the idea of going out on a Friday night could cause such heady excitement as to transport me into a state of ecstasy; I could not wait to be out and mingling with the flow of humanity that filled the streets, becoming one with the pulse of life in the city.

But things do change - we change - we grow - life moves on - we do not stay twenty-one forever, or even twenty-eight - or even thirty-five, or even fifty - but somewhere, inside of us, at a time long before where we are now and out of reach from our ability and capacity to change, we solidified a persona, a core, arrested at just the right moment, that explains us to ourselves - the reminds us always of who we are and who we have always been. Yes, change occurs, but the early experiences that shaped our vision of the world, at a certain point, become the ‘I’ in all of us and we simply view the passing of time from this, our own, unique vantage point.

Which brings me to today - Friday - this glorious Friday which I have celebrated grandly (as I do every day). I’m on the treadmill and I’m doing all I can to keep this wondrous machine functioning at its highest level - music is key to making that happen. I created a playlist weeks - no - months ago - and gifted it to my most precious heart. The 3rd number up is a teen - no - tween anthem that for the majority of the world has been the object of utter derision - and yet, there’s something lovely about it’s simplicity - it’s auto-tuned vocals - and the loveliness lies in its desire to express the yearning to live - to be a part of that great flow of life, immerse oneself in it and celebrate - like the 14 year old that exists within us all (okay, 14 might not have been exactly where I think my own persona solidified - but for the sake of this blog, we’ll randomly choose an age, eh!?). I found myself dancing on the treadmill and thought physically much older, I felt every sappy sentiment expressed in that silly song - I was so happy it was Friday - and I thought “We So Excited… I Don’t Want This Weekend to End”. Thank You - and Good Night.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

If I Had A Hammer, By Jove! (Or, just another Thor's Day, by Jupiter!)

Good Evening (I know - it should be ‘Good Morning, Good Afternoon,or Good Late Afternoon, but - it appears this blog (at least for the moment) is an evening blog) - and if I’m not careful - will turn into the blog after the day for which it was named - surely, I can’t be writing it after midnight! No, that would never do.

It seems I tore through the day a bit like a hammer might. Because of this blasted lack of light (yes, there’s always something to complain about), and I didn’t get started on my day as early as I would have liked; I was doubly-downed by the hour and the lack of energy.

However! I still managed to get 40 minutes of cardio in plus, an entire routine of squats and pull-ups/chin-ups, and hanging crunches (the last, I invented myself… I think…).

It would also appear that I’ve succumbed to the idea that this could very well be just an online version (with some editing) of the running dialogue I’ve had going for the last 5 (could be 6, or 7… or 8…) years, with myself. I rarely read it but I should do that more often.

But here’s the ‘fact’ for the day: In order to get things done sometimes, one must approach matters with a giant, hammer - One must hurl lightening bolts towards one’s opponents - even if the opponent is oneself.

I say this because, I understand (through prior experience) that in order to be engaged, one must be awake - and out of bed - living ‘in the world’, not isolated from it.

Here’s the thing: I find that; in the morning, the longer I stay cocooned in our ‘perfectly marvellous’ nest - the more difficult it is to leave it - and the later the leaving, the less progress is made on any front. In other words - the day’s energy is sapped by simple morning lethargy, and this in turn leads to a certain involuntary apathy, so that once you have done all you can to muster the energy to start the engine - there is very little psychic fuel to make the vehicle move - that is when the Hammer of Thor must come into play - for one must rise above one’s own (and fully owned) sense of ennui, make the supreme effort to grab the proverbial Bull By the Horns, and ‘make the desired change’. This is no easy undertaking - finding the ability to overcome our inner voice of sloth requires focus and a belief system that goes beyond the usual ‘cheering’ we do for ourselves on a daily basis - because for some reason, physical activity does not respond to that particular type of hype. No, the body simply responds to the activity that puts it in motion - and once it finds a motion, or series of movements it likes, it will crave them on its own. To me, it’s like when one wishes to slake one’s thirst - the thirst is there not because you ‘feel’ like having something to drink, but rather, that your body it telling you what it needs. I’m not necessarily saying your body ‘begs you’ for more exercise (at least, not at the beginning), but when it is revived after a long slumber and muscles are tasked to carry weights or lift objects heavier than anything that’s come before, something significant happens and there is a ‘need’ that must be fulfilled. Look - I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum - quite heavy, on one end, and light at the other - I prefer the light end. I got here through sheer determination and resolve and by ignoring the little voice ( and people?) who might have said it’s not possible - I’ve lost ,at least, over 35 lbs (over 4 years) and I’ve kept it off - this-truly-is-a-good-thing! Martha Stewart would approve. But more than that, Jupiter/Jove would approve - and I know for certain that Thor would approve because focus is extremely important to someone who carries, and hurls a huge weight. What!?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Woden's Day, or Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe

At Some point in time, I’m going to have to sit down and see how this thing is put together - MacJournal, that is. I have this thing called the ‘Inspector’ but damned if I can get it to work properly. For example, I just entered the title/topic of this days’ blog into the proper field - but it did not update the actual entry I am working on - what's the point of the Inspector then? Granted, I have not been as diligent (of late) as perhaps I could have been in terms of looking up how things are done; in fact, I haven’t looked at the ‘how tos’ for quite some time - I just pulled up the ‘Help’ section the other day and realized that I’d only gotten part way through it before I began to use it on a daily basis - I guess I was sort of half-informed about the hows. The reason I haven’t abandoned it altogether, for it has given me problems, is that I see what great potential it could have in the hands of someone who knew how to use it (provided, it functioned as I think it should). In fact, it is such a good tool that I could see myself using it to lay out a possible novel. I haven’t gotten there yet because I still fear that it might crash and all that I’ve written would be lost - at least with my blog, I know that it has been uploaded and resides in another location as well - with my tentative novel, it would just be ‘here’. Oh! By the way - Did I mention I might like to concentrate on writing a novel - or a short story - or a paragraph or two… Of course, first I think I should finish up my original children’s story by putting it out there as either a blog or a vlog - I’m not sure which yet. You see, - but then - I’ve already been through all this, haven’t I!? Okay. Let’s just call this what it is: Filler. It’s late. I’m tired - and I have to go to bed. BUT! Since I promised myself to upload something every day - this is it - a very poor excuse for writing, I admit - but sometimes we are pressed - and sometimes we just don’t have the strength, never mind the words - and come on! It’s the middle of the week - hump day - who hasn’t felt like a chump - or in a slump when confronted with the hump that is Woden’s Day!? Not to be confused with Odin - I think I should take this up with Snorri - he’ll have the answers I’m looking for - and Good Night.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good-bye, Ruby Tuesday

I did actually think about a couple of topics for today’s blog - but seeing how I didn’t make note of either, other than to vaguely think about them, they are gone - one seemed particularly useful - but then, who’s to say, without anything to go on other than a vague recollection that, once, there was an idea. 
 I think we’re back to square one: What is this to be about? Will it be random musings? Must there be a thread? Is there an audience I am trying to target? 
 Above all, is there a commonality inherent in each entry that connects one to another and begins to stitch together the idea of a person behind the writing - or is it all just scrapings of quill on paper, ink flowing from the pen of a spirit intangible and incapable of being fully captured by text? 
 How much of who we are is ever really revealed when we set down on paper what we consider our innermost thoughts? Surely, even these pass through the filter of our subjective view of ourselves and how we wish to be perceived. 
 Or should the focus be outward; commentary made on current events - ‘newsworthy items’ gleefully pressed like grapes, through that same filter in order to extract a blend of flavours unique to the presenter? I’ve always been much better with the microcosm than its opposite - though I’ve also found myself aligned with stars a million miles away - in any case - I know I don’t want to join the ranks of political bloggers, or bloggers with an agenda, or bloggers who tout their culinary skills, or any of a number of other topics into which I could be quite easily absorbed. 
 I have interests; they make up my life; whether I choose to make them the point of this blog is an entirely different question. 
 Does that make this a journal? Perhaps it does. I’m beginning to thing there’s nothing wrong with that. 
 I’d rather put down my thoughts as they tumble out of my head than spout opinions on topics I am not well versed in or care one wit about - what’s the point? 
 This has been clarifying. 
 Thank you. 
 The Rose-Coloured Glasses have been removed. 
 It’s Tuesday - and I see nothing red, or ruby-like about it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday, Monday - Can't Trust That Day

Today is Monday, here in Canada - and is probably so in most of the rest of the world - except for that on the other side of the International Dateline.

Be that as it may, here, on the 3rd Monday of February (at least, I think it’s always the 3rd Monday), we celebrate Family Day - a holiday invented not so very long ago, in order to give us all a break from the hell of Winter - though Winter seems not to be much of an issue this year (at least not here), and affords families their own personal time to spend together!

It also mirrors a certain holiday, celebrated for decades by the ‘Top Dog’ living under us, which honours a couple of Presidents whose actions lifted them above the mundane to an almost God-like level (not to denigrate the other Presidents for, I’m sure there were achievements of note, accomplished by them all); almost mythical in nature, to be sure; George, I cannot tell a lie, Washington, and of course, Honest Abe Lincoln, Rail-Splitter extraordinaire!

Now, I’m all for the celebration of heroes whose lives stretch beyond the usual confines of their particular time in space and reach mythic proportions, for these are the stories, the histories that inspire us, leave us gob-smacked, and perhaps expand our ability to strive for that which seems unattainable - if George could do it, if Abe could do it, if Hercules could do it - well, you see where I’m going - Dream Big, or Go To Sleep.

Somehow, Family Day falls far below the mythic bar over which we would leap, given the chance. For me, I think it would be better to just (succinctly) call it ‘The Day Off From What Appears to be Endless Winter And We Need a Holiday In February to Coincide With President's Day and This Is IT!’ At least there’s a ring of truth to it even if it is a bit unwieldily. Maybe I’m just a cynic; maybe the holiday began simply, inspired by one person’s idea of celebrating the family. Perhaps - but it seems unlikely. 


However it came about, we celebrated it in proper fashion by visiting and paying homage to someone near and dear and old enough to have possibly had relatives still living during the assassination of President Lincoln - the mind boggles.

And this is where everything gets just a little bit sticky - at least in terms of time and space and pseudo-holidays.

Just a few short weeks ago, this most vibrant of beings, underwent a certain ‘change’ in both demeanour and mental stability; it was like a switch had been toggled and the floodgates of all that came before in this life, were opened - and accessible - regardless of their location on the time/space continuum.

It occurred to me that this phenomenon reflected the ancient teachings that everything happens at once, in one given moment (okay, so maybe I made that up); that could we but open our eyes to it, everything that has ever happened in the world has happened, is happening and will continue to happen, right now - we just need to learn ‘to see’.

The afternoon was spent, ‘en famille’, listening to tales related, surprisingly, of conversations had with long-dead loved ones - and visits with those still among us who have not come to visit at all.

What are the boundaries of human intellect and understanding and who exactly demarcates that which is real from that which is fantasy or hallucination?; or for that matter, that which separates us from all the human or super-human effort, if you will, that has ever existed?



This is what I know for certain:

It was a ‘Family Day’ indeed; spent neither here nor there but with a sense of the present and a sense of the past melding together and permeating the atmosphere; sending a message into the future - it is up to each of us to decipher its meaning.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Will Never Be the Same


Hello, hello, hello!

Happy Sunday to You All!

And a splendid day it was - is - for it goes on - at least for a couple more hours.

My, my, my, what a busy Sunday it’s been!

I have been run off my feet from dusk till dawn! (Well, I think I was quite busy in my dreams…)

And then I woke up!

And there was laundry!

Somewhere along the line, I decided that Sunday was the only day on which I could do laundry (have I yet mentioned my OCD? It’s mild - but it is a thread that runs through the fabric of all I say and do and should be noted, for it will often provide the clue to what it is I’m getting at - I think…). You see, it came to my attention some time ago that in bygone eras, Monday, was the day on which the laundry was done - reason being that all the ‘Great Houses’ would be occupied, full up, on the weekends and therefore, laundry would be done of a Monday.  I initiated this very thing in my schedule,  leaving my own Sunday free to pursue whatever my heart desired - such a treat! There was, however, a fly in this particular ointment. It turned out that my own Mondays were very, very busy - and adding laundry to the mix just seemed to be overtaxing an already overtaxed soul. Yes, yes - I know - I made up the schedule - but sometimes outside influences insert themselves and remain rigidly fixed and will not be budged - but more than that - I do not have staff - I am the staff! And ‘the staff’ was busy on Mondays doing other things - like Italian lessons - and major workouts at the gym - and- well - you get the idea. Another day had to be chosen for the doing of laundry. Sunday seemed ideal since I was perfectly free and wasn’t doing a thing on that day. Then, this morning, Sunday rolls around and then next thing you know,  I’ve got my arms up to the elbows in suds and the washboard is getting a workout a day earlier than expected. Here is a picture of the results:

I’ve just lain everything out to dry. Once I had a good head start on that, I knew it was time to get busy and start baking cookies! But first, I needed to make a trip to the new Loblaw’s to buy a few things for dinner - like the chicken I was planning on cooking up! Oh, there were to be potatoes and carrots and onions and to top it all off, I’d made a fresh cranberry sauce shortly after getting up this morning - for it was Sunday, and I had nothing to do but relax - all - day - long! Earlier, I’d thought about making a ‘quick’ stop in the gym for a bit of cardio - but realized that, with all the relaxing I was doing, I wouldn’t have time - oh, well - there’s always tomorrow! I ran to the store and bought a chicken, potatoes, onions (I already had carrots), milk, a package of cookable pudding (just in case), and a bottle of Vitamin B Complex - for some reason, I’ve been feeling a little tired. I then race home to continue the laundry and begin baking the biscotti that I’d promised I would make. This is how they turned out:

Once I’d got the baking done and had finished sorting, folding, and putting away the laundry, I was able to begin the preparations for the casual Sunday supper on this, most special, Family Day Holiday weekend - for it was Sunday, and I was free to just relax! I peeled the garlic, peeled and cut up onions, sliced potatoes, dressed and trussed the chicken, slathered them all with olive oil (after refilling the container), seasoned them all in a roasting pan and finally got the whole thing in the oven - ah! How wonderful it is to kick back and relax on a Sunday! When the chicken was done, the results were every bit as wonderful as I’d expected them to be, given the fact that I had no pressure placed upon me on this, the 7th Day, the day of rest - a day on which I could just sail gently along on whatever breeze happened to catch my open sails - and this was the result of that gentle zephyr blowing through this laziest of Sundays:

As easy as pie! That is how I would describe this entire Sunday - free from the regular hubbub that fills my usual, week days which are so busy, busy, busy!



Maybe some of the photos don’t ‘exactly’ reflect what I’m describing - so - sue me.

So, maybe that's not a chicken; perhaps it's a turkey.

It’s been a long week.

I’m tired.

It’s possible that I ‘may’ have substituted pictures taken prior to the events laid out in the above narrative.

Like I said - sue me.

Do you really think I have to time to hang around taking pictures of every last thing I do - on Sunday - my one day off!?


Are you crazy!?

Like, I’m not busy enough on my day off - that now I should be taking pictures or everything I do at the same time!?

Why, the nerve! The very nerve!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!


I seemed to have slid slightly off the rails for a moment - I think I was supposed to be talking about the beauty of this 

“Most amazing day - for the leaping greenly spirit of trees, and a true blue dream of sky, and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is, yes!” 

 And thank you e. e. cummings for intervening on our behave and turning schlock into poetry.

And Good Night.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another Saturday Night and I Ain't Got No Body...

A ‘New Order’ is going to have to be established - arriving here without the slightest clue as to what I’m going to write is not the way to go about this. I don’t necessarily want to think about it ‘all day’ but some mental exercise must be done prior to getting here - otherwise, I will find myself constantly pressed to find a topic worthy of putting down on (virtual) paper. Another realization is - just that; that by making myself do this daily, I’ve created for myself. the need to be more topical, focussed, and point-driven, if you will. It’s fine for me to ramble on at will when the dialogue is meant to be confined to a journal - but journalling in public requires a certain amount of refinement and perhaps an exposition (maybe two), which is then, tied up nicely (bows are preferable in the end) at its conclusion or summation - this, does not fit that mould - at least, not yet. 
 Vessels and Vehicles - both excellent means of transporting precious goods as both are containers of sorts (I’m not quite sure how we got here but I’m sure there’s a reason) and are often used to convey their contents to some specified point - in the case of a vessel, its contents might be carried into the future for example - take wine (but not too much); its contents are often left to age in the bottle and thenceforth, ‘carried’ into the future, serving some future purpose - the skull, as a bowl, contains a precious object capable of transporting something finer than even the best wine, for it holds within it creation and from this source, all else springs. 
 I would like to think that, ‘the skin atop the skull’ (to reverse a bit of P. D. James), and more precisely, that which grows upon it, reveals nothing in terms of how dense (in terms of structure, mind you) the mass beneath - for, sadly, my own pate seems to be follicularly challenged, and grows more so with each passing day. I’ve made the best of what remains and have fallen into the trap of ‘boosting’ its appearance with shampoos, etc, that boast an ability to promote a fuller head - but the results are always sadly lacking. And now, indignity of indignities, I’ve had a ‘small patch’ removed for purposes of study. In my case, ‘small’ is a very, very relative term, given that the spacing of each follicle becomes greater moving forward toward the Coronal suture, until it stops altogether at a point much higher above the eyes then is necessary, in my opinion.  
To make a long story short - I’ve had a bad hair day. There! I’ve said it (It’s not actually true - but I’ve been searching ‘vainly’ for a topic and this one hit the nail on the head, so to speak). I wish I had more to offer but it’s late and I must go to bed. 
 Tomorrow, remind me about that Aesop fellow again - I’ll see if I can remember what it was I wanted to say about him…

Friday, February 17, 2012

For the Purpose of Being Here

I have discovered that uploading photos does not happen automatically along with the text, as I’d thought - I don’t know why but there was a gaping hole last night and I was required to move the photo to Picasa in order to upload it - perhaps it’s a proprietary thing - or perhaps I didn’t do something at this end that caused the problem - in any case, it doesn’t much matter other than that it’s a slight bit of bother, considering I’d like to be able to do the layout here before uploading it. The other thing I’ve noticed is the column width seems rather stingy - I don’t know how I can alter that either - but I’ll figure it out - eventually. The main thing today is just to report that I am indeed, here and though this entry is virtually without merit, I am making it just the same - a promise is a promise. I’ve just spent quite a bit of time contemplating my ‘Blue’ microphone. I’ve been toying with the idea of taking my children’s story and turning it into a podcast - or perhaps a video cast. I have visions of it narrated, as well as with spoken characters (all by me, of course) with appropriate sound effects and illustrations (by me again, of course). It’s something I’ve been thinking about for awhile but haven’t yet set about doing it. There is always something that prevents me from just ‘getting on with it’ - in this case, it’s a couple of accessories I ordered to go along with my ‘Blue microphone’; one is called the ‘Ringer’ and the other is the ‘Pop’, the former suspends the mic to prevent interference and the latter is a filter that prevents the plosives from mucking things up - these items were ordered on January 6th and though I’ve already paid for them, they’ve yet to leave the warehouse. Needless to say, this has caused me some irritation - there have been emails back and forth… I don’t expect either of the two items to arrive before mid-March and chances are, they won’t be here till April. On some level, I suppose, this is not a bad thing. I should take some time to think this project through a bit more and get it organized or at least divided into manageable stages - sound effects must be found, illustrations done, characterizations realized, costumes sewn, sets built - oh - wait. I’m only doing a podcast not a Broadway show - hhmm, I wonder if I should add music? That will have to be determined. Of course, I would have to write it - nothing diffy - something easy (that’s all it could be, given my poor skills at the keyboard!). In fact, I should be practicing right now - so that put’s an end to this minor missive. Tomorrow? Tomorrow!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just a Simple Thursday Night

I’m still here - and I’m still writing; though, I really should be doing this a little earlier in the day - that will come with time.   For some reason, I was feeling rather dragged out today (blame it on the ballet) and could barely manage to make it to the gym, though after some (self) cajoling/prodding, I went.   I sometimes think that when I skip a day, or in this case, two, that my energy, my vitality if you will, begins to subside, to drain away, in short, to ebb.   A heavy lull begins to fall over me (like a warm blanket) and a descent into a slothful state, somewhat similar to that experienced on a cold Winter’s morning when the sun is not yet up and the warmth and safety of your bed contrives to keep you in it, takes hold of my physical being and I must forcibly rouse myself from it in order to return to a modicum of activity.    And trust me - it isn’t easy.   But!   Good News!   I went!   And of course, felt better for it - but not as energized as I would have liked.    I still had ‘things to do’ and set about doing them.   Perhaps it’s the greyness of these days - but I find myself taxed when trying to get anything done.   Years ago, I came to the conclusion that I suffered from the insurmountable SAD but did my best to ward off its effects - success has not been complete - and thus I find myself at times, struggling to keep head above water when all about appears dismal and grey - we’re talking basic gloom here (let’s not mention ‘doom’).    Still, I had set myself a few tasks today and managed to get them done - this is an achievement, believe me. Once done, I was able to relax a bit and made great strides in gathering strength for tomorrow.    I know.   This sounds as if I’m trying to put a brave face on some sort of serious depression by making (somewhat) light of it.   Truth be told?    I’m actually just more interested in trying to get something written down on this, the 4th day of the writing assignment I’ve tasked myself with.   Yes, yes, yes - it should be more interesting;  perhaps even topical - but, cliche though it be, Rome Was Not Built In A Day - and neither will this blog be!   Content will follow Context - as long as you keep reading - that is to say - as long as I keep writing.   And so ends a simple Thursday Night.    BTW - Remind me to tell you about Aesop.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Looking for Mr. GoodBlog

Yahoo! We’re three days in - and we’re still blogging - sort of.   I think I need help in the design of this thing - or at least - in how one makes a webpage attractive and readable - not to mention interesting.   For example:   I can’t seem to make the ‘title’ of each blog post as large as I would like it to be - I’ve tried to edit it but I can’t seem to figure out how.    Because I’m a new blogger (even though I’ve had this thing open since 2008 - don’t ask),  I haven’t yet mastered all the aspects of blogging - such as - how do I insert a picture, should I desire to add one.    This evening’s entry revolves solely around that task.   Yes, yes, I know I can just ‘upload’ one - but I’d like to do text-wrapping and all that - perhaps not now, but in the event that I decide to work on a story (or something similar) in which pictures may (or may not) be incorporated.   Then - with this in mind - let’s set about the task.    For the simple sake of efficiency and efficacy, I’ve already chosen an image I ‘deemed’ worthy of uploading.    In contrast to all the red pouring out of a million hearts on that ‘special day’,  that has just passed,  I’ve opted for a brilliant yellow hibiscus which seems to be swallowing (or at least, mopping/soaking up) all the red of yesterday.   It represents our moving from one overly emotional Winter holiday towards the sun and a much brighter demeanour.   Not that our moods have been drastically low - but this flower, in all its brilliance, has the power to lift us from any sense of heavy-heartedness into the glory of sun(yellow) - and all that it does for us - I stand first in line for that most holy communion - bring on the warmth!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Valentine's Day - Massacre!?

Happy St. V’s Day! For font colour, I’ve decided not to use a ‘real’ red. as it appears to be much to0 much like ‘Christmas’ red - and besides - this ‘Cayenne’ (the colour, thusly named, which I’ve chosen) looks akin to blood in colour - and real hearts - bleed - though perhaps, not ‘Cayenne’ - but that’s beside the point.

The point is: Happy Valentine’s Day! - to all those who have love, long for love, regret having loved, have lost love, etc - it is enough to have experienced love in one of its myriad stages/guises to understand that without its pursuit, we are lesser beings. Let our lips meet our bliss and drown in its honey.

My own has had the slightest amount of lemon added to it - just to tart it up - but not at all in a naughty way - more in the sense of adding an ‘edge’ to it - for what and where would we be if not feeling just a bit edgy, I ask you!? And, of course, I hold the wedge, firmly ‘tween thumb and forefinger, applying just the right amount of pressure to release a burst of citric aerosol into the already heady mix of chocolate and strawberry, causing the slightest, almost imperceptible, wrinkle to cross the nose.

Leave it to me to throw a little bit of sour into the mix!

Cryptic? Perhaps - but clearly graspable!

I made a trip to the ’Shoe Room’ today to buy ballet slippers and the like and found myself, once home, to be ever so slightly disappointed in my inability to buy items appropriate for my size - and they are non-refundable/returnable - I’ll have to make do - though squeezing myself into an elastic garment is not my idea of a good time - perhaps I should take that as a lesson for Valentine’s Day - it never pays to squeeze anything too tightly - lest you cut off all feeling!

(I said I’d write here every day - and this is day 2! I’m doing my best…)

Monday, February 13, 2012

A New Entry

If I’ve learned anything about carrying this blog about - it is that I am hugely inconsistent; entries are seldom, random, and without purpose - other than to indicate that ‘I’m still here’. Perhaps I should make myself a challenge; that I will write here every day for at least one year - I mean, how hard could that be? I write every morning as it is, anyway - what’s a few extra sentences here and there, I ask you!? And though I’ve indicated that I did not want this to be a journal or a diary - perhaps in order to kickstart it, I should allow myself the freedom to write what I will - something may eventually come of it - like a project. I have one in mind but I think I’ll save the announcing of it until I am closer to beginning it. I could also use this to store notes, eh!? Well, I’ve got some ivories that are waiting to be tickled and a ballet class tonight so I’d best get on with it. See you…tomorrow!?