Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm slowly becoming inspired to return here, and perhaps write more, by seeing and reading the blogs of others via Twitter.  I'm not sure how close I am to wishing this to be seen by anyone - given that I'm not at all completely satisfied with the layout, but the constant hesitation to write or consider this page an adequate forum for that writing has resulted in a plethora of - nothing!  Perhaps it's better to just carry on daily, journal-like and get something actually produced and on the page.  Let others, if they stumble upon it, decide the validity of the format... or not.
Though not feeling hugely creative at the moment, I will post a piece of poesy written a while back - at least this will indicate one possible direction taken amid the cacophony of my personal circus!
 Shall we?

A muffled silence, soft and deep
Across the darkened room doth tread.
Its unheard steps, so closely creep,
Its smothered face, a masque of dread.
The narcoleptic lethargy that round the mind entwines,
And calls so softly, pointing towards; apocalyptic signs.
Do we dare obey its call and follow blithely down
Into the underworld of sleep, immerse ourselves and drown
In visions of a time unborn
A world unseen by all?
Except by one, whom stars adorn
And covered with a caul.

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