What I failed to mention was how drawn I've become to Twitter itself and all that is exposed there - in its entirely glorious, disheveled and manifold self (if an application, Hydra-like in nature, could be considered a living vessel for those voices crying out which are contained within).
My initial impression of it, like that of many others no doubt, was rather subdued. After hearing so much and reading articles, which seemed to appear daily, about this new social media, I was underwhelmed, to put it mildly, but like many others, I 'soldiered' on into the thick of it to discover if there actually was 'any there there'.
Not understanding how it worked, I assumed that I would fling out my voice and hope that what came back was more than an echo. Unfortunately, this is all I got;the sound of myself in a forest or thicket of other voices.
More determined than ever to make myself be heard, I repeated my experiment again and again over time in an increasingly boisterous and vociferous manner bordering on the truculent (solely, of course, to provoke a reaction) until I was hurling my 'tweets' like stones; a David against his perceived Goliath - and still no response!
Taking rather more time than most, it slowly began to occur to me that perhaps Twitter was not just a new form of Facebook where one gathered with their friends - though contacts and conversations were most certainly occurring, but rather, a means by which one connected oneself to a public ether of sorts and like, holy of holies, became one with the universe, or in this case, the 'Twitterverse'.
It was not necessary to garner responses to those thoughts flung out into the collective miasma because as an enlightened twitterer, it was enough to know that one was a part of something much larger - the thought behind the thought!
This was indeed a glorious state and so much more advanced than Facebook - though I still occasionally longed for a bit more contact; I put that down to my baser nature, my ties to this physical dimension in which I lived, betraying my own lack of spiritual evolution.
However, I persevered and felt a certain tranquility as I watched the tweets roll by...
Then, something strange began to happen in this, my newly discovered perfect world. The less I actually tweeted and merely observed, the more apparent certain 'pattern's began to present themselves; streams through and towards which voices rose and fell - some not always falling - and not always pretty - but becoming rather strident in nature - the proverbial devil within the details (Couldn't we just ignore them and move away?).
to be continued...