Monday, October 27, 2008

I always manage to get here when I am about to go off and do something else - what does that say about my dedication to blogging?  I'm preparing to go to London and I've got a zillion things to do before hand - this is the reason for today that I will not be writing more...!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Here is a video of 'The Aloha Tree' from our lanai in Molokai, where we stayed for a few days this Summer.

Friday, June 20, 2008

 Past Mid-June
Now, be honest - how exciting is this!?  There is so very much to say and, well, no time to say it today either!  I'm off on more never-ending errands.  Perhaps tomorrow I'll write...!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So!  I see this is going well - lot's of exciting entries, lots of information about what's going on in the life.  When, exactly, will I get down to updating this on a regular basis?  Ah, so busy, so busy...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Given that this is the first entry, I ought to be writing more but the truth is - I haven't time.  I've got errands to run and things to take care of; most urgent among them is the need to purchase buckles for vests, which I am about to do now.
P.S.  I've taken up sewing - having bought a machine about a month ago - and I've now made three vests and am working on a fourth but I've run out of buckles for the belts in the back.  We'll return to this another time...